
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 89-98 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 95 2.3.3 Cost of production, return and benefit-cost analysis The sum of all expenditure involved in the production process is the cost of production. It includes fixed cost like land tax and machinery cost and variable cost like labour cost, seed and other input cost, packaging cost and so on. The study showed (Table 6) that average cost of production and return per ropani was Rs. 21054.7 and Rs. 25387.07. In average, each household earns Rs. 75,240 benefit per year from selling bean. Average cost of production and return per kg of bean was Rs. 120 and Rs. 215, respectively. Benefit-cost ratio of the study area was found to be 1.20. Benefit cost ratio greater than 1 indicated that bean production was running in profit. Table 6 Different cost involved in production of bean per ropani Particulars Unit Quantity Price (Rs) Value (Rs) Variable cost Seed kg 19.07 210 4004.7 FYM Doko 35 100 3500 Land preparation Labor-days 2 labor, 1pair ox, food 600 per person, 1000 per pair ox,100 per food 2400 Seed sowing Labor-days 2 600 1200 Intercultural operations (weeding, FYM application, training) Labor-days 8 600 4800 Harvesting Labor-days 5 600 3000 Transportation and Marketing Local vehicles, Auto 1 500 500 Sub-total 19404.7 Fixed cost Tools and equipment 1500 1500 Depreciation and tax 150 per ropani 150 Sub-total Rs 1650 Total cost Rs 21,054.7 Income Gross income Rs 25387.1 Net income Rs 4332.37 BCratio 1.2 Source: Field Survey (2023) 2.4 Gross margin The study showed that average gross margin was Rs. 85131.07 per hectare (Rs. 4332.37 per ropani). 2.4.1 Price satisfaction The study showed (Table 7) that majority of the respondents/producers, i.e., 39 (65%) were satisfied with market price of bean. 4 respondents were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 9 respondents were dissatisfied with price. 8 producers didn’t respond because they didn’t sell bean. 2.4.2 Pricing time and price decider Pricing of beans between producer and trader was done after harvesting of beans. Contract farming was not in practice. The study showed (Table 8) that the buyer was the major factor in deciding the price. The majority of the respondents (75%) reported that the buyer decided the price of the bean.