
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 89-98 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 94 2.3.1 Economics of bean production This part deals with the production situation, cost, return, gross margin, profit, benefit cost ratio of bean production and the contribution of bean in household income. Figure 4 Land holding status of respondent’s family (Source: Field Survey (2023)) Figure 5 Land used for bean cultivation by respondent’s family Table 5 Cropping pattern of the study area Land Pattern Upland Bean (Baisakh to Bhadra) – Fallow Lowland (irrigated) Paddy (Jestha to Kartik) – Barley (Kartik/Mangsir to Jestha) Lowland (non-irrigated) Bean (Asadh to Asoj/Kartik) – Wheat (Kartik/Manfsir to Asadh) Lowland/upland Fingermillet (Baisakh/Asadh to Bhadra/Asoj) – Barley/Wheat (Kartik/Mangsir to Jestha/Asadh) 2.3.2 Total production of bean Bean was cultivated in 15.88 ha (312.31 ropani) land of the respondent and with production of 37,650 kg and productivity of 658.2 kg per hectare. The productivity obtained from the study is below the national productivity which is 1,477 kg per hectare. In average, each household produced and sold 627 kg.