
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 89-98 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 92 2.1.1 Gender of respondents Gender of respondent gives us the information about the active person/decision maker regarding the agricultural works. Majority of respondents (60%) were male (Table 1). Table 1 Population distribution of respondents by gender Gender Frequency Percent (%) Male 36 60 Female 24 40 Total 60 100 Source: Field Survey (2023) 2.1.2 Ethnicity Ethnicity is one of the important factors governing the occupation in Nepalese society. Majority of the respondents (53.3%) in the study were Chhettri (Figure 1). Figure 1 Ethnicity of the respondents (Source: Field Survey (2023)) 2.1.3 Family size and economically active population The size of family and economically active population provides information regarding the availability of labour for farming (Figure 2; Figure 3). Average family size was found to be 7.72, which is more than national family size average (5.4). Figure 2 Family size of the respondents (Source: Field Survey (2023)) Population belonging to the age group of 15-59 years that have productive capacity are considered as economically active population by the government of Nepal. Average economically population was found to be 5.31. It indicated that 55.5% of population was economically active. 2.1.4 Education level of respondents In the study area, 11 respondents (18.3%) were illiterate, while 49 (81.7%) were literate. Among the literate group, 19 individuals (31.7%) could only read and write basic things (Table 2).