
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 78-88 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 86 is very small, indicating significant genetic gains. These data are crucial for evaluating and guiding future strawberry breeding efforts. Table 1 Historical genetic gains Table 2 presents changes in breeding values during the domestication process of strawberries from 1775 to 2015, from a genomic prediction perspective. The table provides the genomic estimated breeding values (GEBVs) for agriculturally important traits for 6,419 strawberry hybrid varieties estimated using the single-step pedigree-genomic BLUP method, along with the linear regression results of predicted values against birth year. The change point (CP years) in the table is determined through piecewise linear regression of GEBVs against birth years. The upper part of the table (see Figure 5) displays the changes in predicted GEBV values , while the lower part (see supplementary Figure 2) shows the changes in GEBV residuals before and after the estimated CP years. For each trait, the table displays predicted values for three years (1775, estimated CP year, 2015) and the changes in predicted GEBV values between these years. The percentage changes are calculated based on the growth rate before and after the CP year.