
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 66-77 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 74 In terms of technical applications, this research utilized the latest genomic sequencing techniques, bioinformatics analysis, statistical genetics methods, and advanced phenotyping techniques. The fusion of this multidisciplinary approach not only accelerated the process of genetic marker discovery but also improved the efficiency and precision of breeding. Through such GWAS studies, scientists and breeders can conduct crop improvement in a more systematic and precise manner, ultimately promoting innovation and sustainable development in agricultural production. 6 Technical Challenges and Future Trends 6.1 Technical challenges Despite significant achievements in the field of plant genetics through Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS), several technical challenges remain to be overcome. The complexity of genetic backgrounds is a primary challenge, as it may obscure or confound the true associations between traits and genetic variations. For plant species with large genomes, conducting large-scale GWAS not only requires substantial financial support but also demands processing and analyzing vast amounts of data, placing high demands on data processing capabilities (Kao et al., 2017). Furthermore, translating GWAS discoveries into practical applications through biological validation is a time-consuming and complex process, requiring in-depth functional genomics research (Yoon et al., 2018). To address these challenges, researchers are developing and optimizing various technical approaches. More efficient sequencing technologies are being developed to reduce costs and increase the speed of data acquisition. Simultaneously, more precise statistical analysis methods are being explored to improve the resolution of complex genetic data. High-throughput phenotyping techniques are also continuously improving, aiming to measure and record plant traits more rapidly and accurately. Additionally, the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies is becoming a powerful tool for improving data analysis speed and accuracy. These technological advancements are expected to greatly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of GWAS, better serving plant genetics research and crop improvement projects. 6.2 Future trends In future trends, gene-editing technologies, particularly the CRISPR-Cas system, are expected to play an increasingly central role in GWAS research, making genetic research more precise and efficient (Li et al., 2016). Advances in CRISPR technology will allow researchers to directly edit target genes, not only accelerating the functional validation process of GWAS-discovered candidate genes but also enabling direct application to crop trait improvement, thereby achieving more direct and rapid genetic improvement. In the future, the application of GWAS will increasingly be combined with other advanced technologies, such as transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. This multi-omics integration will provide a more comprehensive perspective to understand how genetic variations influence complex traits at the molecular level. By elucidating the detailed molecular mechanisms controlling these traits, researchers can more accurately predict the results of gene editing and the potential for crop improvement. Additionally, the development of data analysis and artificial intelligence technologies will further promote the depth and breadth of GWAS research. With the application of machine learning and deep learning algorithms, large-scale genomic data can be processed and analyzed more effectively, revealing new associations and patterns in genetic research. The future development of GWAS will be a multidisciplinary and highly integrated process, involving not only advances in gene-editing technologies but also the comprehensive utilization of multi-omics data and the application of advanced data analysis techniques. These advancements will provide a strong scientific foundation for uncovering new opportunities and challenges in crop genetic improvement. 6.3 Ethical and regulatory considerations Ethical and regulatory considerations are an important part of research on genetically improved crops, particularly those improved through gene-editing technologies. The ethical and legal controversies surrounding these technologies span multiple areas, including food safety, biodiversity protection, intellectual property rights, and