
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 66-77 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 73 Figure 2 Genome editing of key genes involved in trait modification in plant phenotype, fruit yield, quality, biotic and abiotic stress in tomato (Adopted from Tiwari et al., 2023) 5.2 Impact and improvement effectiveness of the case study In the case of tomato breeding, the results of GWAS research have significantly impacted breeding strategies and effectiveness. Through GWAS, scientists precisely located the key genes controlling lycopene synthesis in tomatoes, enabling breeders to use marker-assisted selection (MAS) techniques to cultivate new tomato varieties with high lycopene content. This genetic improvement not only significantly enhanced the nutritional value of tomatoes but also increased their market competitiveness and consumer preference due to their more vibrant color and improved flavor. Additionally, tomato varieties rich in lycopene are beneficial for health as lycopene is believed to have antioxidant properties that can reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Therefore, these breeding achievements have not only enhanced the intrinsic quality of tomatoes as a vegetable but have also had a positive impact on public health. The application of GWAS in tomato breeding demonstrates its powerful potential in genetic improvement, capable of improving not only the nutritional and sensory quality of crops but also enhancing their economic value and market performance. This scientifically driven breeding approach provides a viable pathway for the future improvement of vegetable crops, contributing to the sustainable development of agricultural production and the improvement of food nutrition. 5.3 Key findings and technical applications in the case study One of the key findings in this case study is that a specific gene locus variation significantly affects the accumulation of lycopene in tomatoes. This discovery not only revealed the molecular mechanisms underlying lycopene synthesis in tomatoes but also provided a clear breeding target. The study also demonstrated the importance of combining high-throughput genotyping and precise phenotyping, enabling researchers to effectively screen and identify genetic variations associated with the target trait.