
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 66-77 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 70 The improvement of environmental adaptability requires considering crop performance in different geographic locations and climatic conditions. With the exacerbation of global climate change, cultivating crops with stronger adaptability has become increasingly important, requiring researchers to consider a broader range of environmental factors and climate variations in the genetic improvement process. Therefore, breeding strategies need to be highly flexible and foresighted to ensure that vegetable crops can adapt to potential future environmental changes. 3 Application of GWAS in Vegetable Genetic Improvement 3.1 Vegetable yield In research aimed at increasing vegetable yield, GWAS has been successfully applied to identify key genes associated with yield. For example, in GWAS studies conducted on tomatoes, scientists have been able to identify multiple genetic loci associated with fruit size and yield. Among these loci, key genes were further analyzed, revealing their involvement in fundamental physiological processes of plant growth and development. For instance, The GWAS analysis conducted by Rodriguez et al. (2020) revealed valuable genetic diversity in local varieties of tomatoes and identified genomic regions controlling fruit characteristics. Kim et al. (2021) conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on 162 tomato accessions, exploring quantitative trait loci (QTLs) influencing eight fruit traits, providing a useful resource for the genetic dissection of tomato fruit traits. Through functional analysis, researchers can determine the specific mechanisms of these genes, thereby providing specific targets for the breeding program. This not only deepens our understanding of the mechanisms of yield formation but also provides potential pathways for improving yield in other vegetable crops. 3.2 Disease resistance In genetic improvement, enhancing disease resistance in vegetable crops is a critical task. Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) provide an effective means to elucidate the genetic basis of crop-pathogen interactions. Researchers have successfully identified disease resistance-related genes in various vegetable crops using GWAS. For example, in Brassica napus, GWAS analysis revealed multiple genetic markers associated with blackleg disease resistance. Fikere et al. (2020) used a GWAS integrating whole-genome sequence (WGS) to analyze genes and genomic regions associated with blackleg resistance (Leptosphaeria maculans) in Brassica napus. The study identified 79 genomic regions associated with L. maculans resistance and revealed new potential resistance regions. GWAS has also identified multiple loci associated with Al3+ resistance in rapeseed, which helps improve plant tolerance to aluminum stress and provides new genetic resources and markers for enhancing Al3+ resistance in rapeseed through genomic and marker-assisted selection (Du et al., 2022). The identification of these genetic markers not only promotes the understanding of disease resistance mechanisms, such as the role of plant immune signaling pathways, but also provides specific molecular targets for breeding. This enables breeders to precisely improve disease resistance in vegetable crops through marker-assisted selection or gene-editing technologies, thereby enhancing their defense against pathogens. Furthermore, the application of GWAS has extended to in-depth research into the mechanisms of disease occurrence, including the host-pathogen interaction mechanisms during the pathogen invasion process. By analyzing these interactions in depth, researchers can develop new strategies to enhance crops' natural resistance, reducing reliance on chemical pesticides. Additionally, GWAS can help predict crop resistance to emerging or evolving pathogens, enabling proactive measures in crop protection. GWAS has played a significant role in improving disease resistance in vegetable crops, providing important scientific foundations and technical support for modern agricultural production, and contributing to the realization of more sustainable and environmentally-friendly crop management strategies. 3.3 Improved adaptability Environmental adaptability is a crucial trait for vegetable crops to survive and thrive under changing environmental conditions. GWAS has played an important role in identifying genes associated with drought tolerance, salt tolerance, and other environmental stress response mechanisms. For drought tolerance studies,