International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 59-65 62 Table 1 Effect of treatments on plant height, branches, compound leaves, root nodules and pods of chickpea Treatments Plant height (cm) Number of branches/plant Number of compound leaves/plant Root nodules/ plant Number of Pods/plant 30 DAS 60 DAS 90 DAS At harvest 30 DAS 60 DAS 90 DAS At harvest 30 DAS 60 DAS 90 DAS At harvest 40 DAS 60 DAS At harvest T1- 125% RFD 11.6 21.21 32.16 36.11 4.41 8.61 11.76 13.36 15.21 60.62 149.41 176.97 12.23 17.12 30.14 T2-RFD 11.8 21.82 33.81 38.77 4.48 8.68 12.01 13.66 14.15 59.68 146.72 174.57 13.81 19.75 30.02 T3- RDF+ 25% FYM (% N basis) 14.1 23.41 36.64 43.57 4.98 10.38 14.13 16.23 15.61 63.11 162.28 210.32 18.26 29.82 31.41 T4- RDF+ 25% vermicompost (%Nbasis) 15.6 23.62 38.84 45.56 5.61 10.82 14.82 16.92 16.28 65.67 165.67 222.74 23.66 33.73 32.28 T5- RDF+ 25% Chicken Manure (% N basis) 12.2 23.01 35.48 41.32 4.71 9.94 13.54 15.64 15.23 61.61 158.63 199.52 20.33 28.66 30.27 T6- 50% RDF + 50% FYM (% Nbasis) 8.6 15.68 28.28 31.33 3.21 6.43 9.43 11.24 12.24 55.42 123.44 150.38 10.88 16.11 21.32 T7- 50% RDF + 50% vermicompost (% N basis) 9.1 16.36 29.67 32.67 3.38 6.58 9.58 11.39 12.29 58.11 127.43 160.41 12.31 17.84 23.92 T8- 50% RDF + 50% Chicken Manure (% N basis) 8.21 15.41 27.38 29.38 3.03 6.21 9.21 11.02 11.26 54.83 114.47 139.56 11.07 16.23 19.54 T9- 75% RDF + 25% FYM (% Nbasis) 11 19.11 30.22 36.15 3.72 7.93 11.08 12.96 13.23 59.36 137.49 168.39 13.66 21.52 27.55 T10- 75% RDF + 25% vermicompost (% N basis) 11.58 19.26 31.86 37.79 3.98 8.19 11.44 13.32 13.82 59.61 140.65 175.58 16.84 23.32 29.87 T11- 75% RDF + 25% Chicken Manure (% N basis) 10.88 19 29.21 34.88 3.67 7.87 10.97 12.85 12.81 58.68 131.89 160.74 14.44 20.91 25.11 T12- Control 6.8 13.62 23.81 26.67 2.47 4.65 7.15 8.95 9.11 48.23 98.66 120.55 7.32 12.11 16.76 SEm± 0.36 0.54 0.64 0.79 0.11 0.25 0.33 0.38 0.31 1.58 2.99 3.59 0.53 0.65 0.61 C.D. at 5% level 1.07 1.6 1.9 2.33 0.34 0.73 0.97 1.14 0.93 4.67 8.84 10.6 1.56 1.92 1.81