
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 44-58 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 57 3.17 The major problem associated with apple production 3.17.1 Problems in apple production Five different problems were identified based preliminary study and included in the interview schedule (Table 18). The farmers were asked to rank these problems based on their perceptions. Most of the farmers responded that the problem of insect pests and disease was the major problem associated with apple production. The index value of this problem was highest (0.946) and was ranked as the most serious problem of the study site. Scab and papery bark were the major diseases while wooly aphid and tent caterpillar were the most problematic insect pests hampering the production in apple farming. The second major problem was the environmental constraints mainly erratic rainfall, with the index value of 0.638. Lack of extension services was the third most serious problem with an index value of 0.607. Lack of irrigation was ranked fourth and lack of unavailability of inputs was ranked fifth with the index value of 0.458 and 0.333, respectively. Table 18 Ranking of market problems SN Problems Index Ranking 1 Insect pests and disease 0.946 I 2 Unavailability of inputs 0.638 II 3 Environmental constraints 0.607 III 4 Lack of extension services 0.458 IV 5 Lack of irrigation 0.333 V Source: Field study, 2023 3.17.2 Problems in the marketing of apple Responses regarding various constraints in the marketing of apple were recorded and analyzed (Table 19). Respondents were asked to rank the problems associated with the marketing of apple. From the study, it was found that price variation (0.74) was the major problem faced by the actors involved in marketing Lack of cold storage which accounts for higher postharvest loss was ranked second most important problem with an index value of 0.70. Similarly, difficulty in transportation and lack of grading facilities were ranked 3rd and 4th most severe problems respectively. The low volume of production was the least problematic factor associated with marketing's Apple. Table 19 Ranking of marketing problems of apple Problems Index Ranking Price variation 0.74 I Lack of cold storage facilities 0.70 II Difficulty in transportation 0.66 III Lack of grading 0.64 IV Low volume of production 0.26 V Source: Field survey, 2023 4 Conclusion Some conclusions are made based on the study conducted on the economics of the production of apples in the Kalikot district of Nepal. A higher benefit-cost ratio, shorter payback period, positive NPV, and IRR greater than opportunity cost ascertain the feasibility of Apple enterprise in Kalikot, Nepal. Insect pests and diseases are ranked as the major problems for the production of apples in the study area of Kalikot district, while price variation and lack of storage and transportation facilities are the major problems for apple marketing. Authors’ contributions AC: Contribution to design and implementation of the survey, data collection, interpretation and analysis of the results, writing the manuscript. SA, KPU: analysis of data, interpretation of the results, writing the manuscript. PA, NB, SS, SKK: data collection and manuscript preparation. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.