
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 44-58 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 52 Table 10 Total number of trees and bearing trees Source: Field survey, 2023 3.7 Household access to various service 3.7.1 Involvement in cooperatives Respondent's involvement in any agriculture-related cooperatives is presented below (Table 11). The study revealed that 83.3% of the respondents were members of agriculture cooperatives. Table 11 Distribution of respondents based on involvement in agriculture cooperatives in the study Involvement in cooperatives Frequency Percent (%) Yes 65 83.3 NO 13 16.7 Total 78 100 Source: Field survey, 2023 3.7.2 Training status The study revealed that only 55.1% of the respondents had received training related to apple production and management practices in the study area (Table 12). Table 12 Distribution of respondents based on training status in the study area of Kalikot Training status Frequency Percent (%) Yes 43 55.1 No 35 44.9 Total 78 100 Source: Field survey, 2023 3.7.3 Subsidy status The majority of the respondents (64.1%) had received subsidies on apple production from service providers like PMAMP, PIU, AKC, Municipality, etc (Table 13). These subsidies were mainly related to the nursery plants, tools and equipment, and plant protection measures. Table 13 Distribution of respondents based on subsidy status in the study area of Kalikot Subsidy status Frequency Percent (%) Yes 50 64.1 No 28 35.9 Total 78 100 Source: Field survey, 2023 3.8 Economics of production In the study area, apple cultivation was mostly conducted traditionally. For this study, production cost was calculated based on interviews and FGD. 3.8.1 Cost of production Initial investment cost: Based on our findings, the cost of initial investment for the years 1st - 4th is summarized (Table 14). The cost was calculated by taking the account of both variable and fixed cost. From the study, it was found that apple cultivation required high investment for the very first year (Rs 501049/ha) as compared to the following years of the gestation period (Figure 4). The cost of fencing, irrigation canal installation, tools and equipment, sapling, land preparation, and pit digging that accounts for the major share in the cost of initial investment was incurred in 1st year of apple cultivation resulting in a high establishment cost of apple orchard. Farmer perceive that their orchards will bear fruit only after 5th year of operation. Description Minimum Maximum Sum Mean Total number of trees including recently planted 44 550 13241 169.75 Total number of bearing trees 0 900 10645 136.47