
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 44-58 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 50 3.1.4 Ethnicity of the respondent's household Caste is regarded as an important social structure in Nepalese society with its long historical and religious roots. Ethnic groups were categorized as Janjati, Dalit, Chhetri, Brahmin and others. In the study area, the majority of the respondents were Brahmin (55.1%) followed by Chhetri (38.5%) and Dalit (6.4%) (Table 4). Table 4 Ethnicity of the respondent's household Ethnic group Frequency Percent (%) Brahmin 43 55.1 Chhetri 30 38.1 Dalit 5 6.4 Janjati 0 0 Total 78 100 Source: Field survey, 2023 3.2 Distribution of economically active population The total population of sampled households was categorized into three classes, namely, less than 15 years, 15 to 59 years, and more than 59 years as considered by the government of Nepal. Whereas, the age group of less than 15 and greater than 60 were considered as an economically inactive group who depend on economically active groups for their living. The distribution of the economically active population in the household is presented below in Table 5. It indicated that 58.77% of the population was economically active whereas, 41.21% of the total population lies in the economically inactive age group (Table 5). Table 5 Distribution of economically active population Age groups Frequency Percent (%) <15 years 207 31.60 15 to 59 years 385 58.77 >59years 63 9.61 Total 78 100 Source: Field survey, 2023 3.3 Primary occupation of the household Primary source of household income was categorized as agriculture, services and business and others. Study revealed that, Agriculture (55.12) was the major source of household income followed by service (23.07) (Table 6; Figure 3).Thus making it clear that, economy of Kalikot's household mainly depends on agriculture. Table 6 Primary occupation of the household Occupation Frequency Percent (%) Agriculture 43 55.12 Service 18 23.07 Business 17 21.79 Others 0 0 Total 78 100 Source: Field survey, 2023 3.4 Source of credit The study revealed that the majority of the respondent were pretty much reliant on their fund (75.64%) for farming operations (Table 7). However, 15.38% of the respondents reported banks as the sources of credit while 8.97% of the respondents reported local moneylenders as their major source of credit.