
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-10 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 6 Secondly, the increased soil permeability is beneficial for reducing the occurrence of floods. In cases of heavy rainfall or substantial precipitation, soils with high permeability can absorb and store water more quickly, preventing rapid surface runoff into water bodies. This ability significantly decreases the occurrence of floods, contributing to the protection of surrounding areas from the hazards of flooding. The positive impact of subsoiling treatment on soil permeability not only aids in improving water management in farmland but also helps reduce the risks of natural disasters such as soil erosion, waterlogging, and floods, thereby enhancing the stability and sustainability of agricultural production. This factor is crucial for the sustainable development of the agricultural sector. 3.4 Impact of subsoiling treatment on soil moisture retention capacity Subsoiling treatment plays a crucial role in enhancing the soil's moisture retention capacity, presenting a significant advantage in the agricultural sector. This is particularly relevant in the face of unstable precipitation patterns caused by climate change. Improved soil structure is one of the key factors through which deep loosening enhances moisture retention. By increasing soil porosity and reducing soil compaction, subsoiling treatment allows the soil to more effectively store water. These pores can hold moisture and release it to plants when needed, extending the supply of water to plants over time. During periods of drought, this improved moisture retention capacity provides essential support for plant growth. Furthermore, subsoiling treatment helps reduce evaporative losses. Due to the improved soil structure and better water storage capacity, the soil can resist moisture evaporation more effectively. This means that moisture in the soil is less likely to evaporate into the atmosphere and is instead supplied more to plants. This is particularly beneficial in hot and dry climatic conditions, aiding in maintaining crop water supply and enhancing resilience under drought conditions. Improving soil porosity also contributes to reducing soil erosion. Soil erosion is a severe process of land degradation that deprives the soil of fertility and moisture. By increasing the soil's moisture retention capacity, subsoiling treatment decreases the extent of soil erosion caused by water flow, contributing to the maintenance of soil health and fertility. 4 Effects of Subsoiling Treatment on the Growth of Sweet Potato Subsoiling treatment has a widespread and positive impact on the growth of sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas), including factors such as root development, yield, and quality, holding significant importance for agricultural production and food supply (Behera et al., 2022). 4.1 Impact of subsoiling treatment on the root growth of sweet potato Subsoiling treatment creates a more spacious and permeable soil environment, allowing the sweet potato roots to penetrate the soil more deeply. This facilitates increased absorption of water and nutrients by sweet potatoes, thereby promoting root growth and development. Furthermore, subsoiling treatment contributes to an increase in the number of branches and lateral roots in sweet potatoes. This provides a larger root surface area, enhancing the sweet potato's ability to absorb water and nutrients. 4.2 Impact of subsoiling treatment on sweet potato yield and quality Research indicates that subsoiling treatment can significantly enhance the yield of sweet potatoes by improving soil structure and permeability (Boonlertnirun et al., 2022). This impact is primarily attributed to several key factors, such as deeper root systems, improved water use efficiency, and increased nutrient supply. Subsoiling treatment encourages the development of deeper root systems in sweet potato plants. These deeper roots can explore a wider range of soil depths, absorbing more water and nutrients. As a result, sweet potatoes can more effectively acquire the necessary growth resources, directly translating into higher yields. Improved soil structure and enhanced permeability mean that water can more easily enter the soil and be absorbed by plant roots, increasing the water use efficiency of sweet potatoes. This allows them to maintain better growth under dry or water-limited conditions, ultimately boosting yields. Subsoiling treatment also contributes to improving nutrient