
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1-10 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 3 Chemical subsoiling is the improvement of soil structure through the addition of chemicals. This may involve adding gypsum or other soil amendments to reduce soil stickiness and enhance permeability. Chemical subsoiling is often used to address alkaline soils or soils with excessive sticky clay content. 1.3 The principle of subsoiling treatment The principle of subsoiling treatment lies in altering the physical characteristics of the soil to create a more favorable environment for plant growth. By increasing soil porosity, roots can more easily penetrate the soil, absorbing water and nutrients. Improving soil permeability aids in drainage, reducing the risk of waterlogging and root decay. Additionally, enhancing soil porosity helps increase oxygen supply in the soil, promoting the growth of beneficial microorganisms and soil respiration (Guo et al., 2023). The methods of subsoiling vary depending on soil types, climate conditions, and agricultural practices. Selecting the appropriate subsoiling method requires a comprehensive consideration of these factors and adjustments based on specific circumstances. In conclusion, subsoiling treatment is an important soil management practice that can enhance soil quality, improve crop growth environments, and play a crucial role in agricultural production. 2 The Importance of Soil Permeability 2.1 Soil permeability Soil permeability is a crucial indicator for agricultural water management and crop growth, reflecting the size, distribution, and connectivity of pores within the soil (Zhai and Rahardjo, 2015). This property is typically assessed through two main parameters: permeability and water retention capacity. Permeability measures the speed at which water spreads through the soil, and soils with high permeability can quickly drain, reducing the risk of water retention in the soil. Soils are generally categorized as sandy soil, clayey soil, and loamy soil, each having different permeabilities (Figure 3). For instance, sandy soil typically exhibits higher permeability, while clay has relatively lower permeability (Yost and Hartemink, 2019). Water retention capacity indicates the soil's ability to hold moisture in saturated conditions, depending on soil porosity and organic matter content, contributing to supplying plants with the required water during drought periods. Figure 3 Permeability in different types of soils (Image Source: Baidu) In addition to these factors, the permeability of the soil is also influenced by the physical structure of the soil and the drainage system. A good pore structure can enhance the soil's permeability, making it easier for moisture to penetrate the soil and flow towards the plant roots. Furthermore, an effective drainage system can further improve soil permeability, ensuring that excess moisture is rapidly removed, preventing issues such as waterlogging and root rot. Therefore, in agricultural production, in-depth research and improvement of soil permeability are of paramount importance for the efficient utilization of water resources, reducing the risk of water-related disasters, and increasing crop yields. This is a crucial aspect in achieving sustainable agriculture.