
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 31-37 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 36 2.4.4 Multicollinearity If the VIF of a variable exceeds 10, the variable is said to be highly collinear. VIF of all independent variables was found to be less than 10, which indicates that absence of strong multicollinearity in all predictors. 2.5 Constraints to apple production Farmer's perception to problems relating to apple production was surveyed (Table 5). The most problematic and important constraint to apple production was disease pest damage with an index value of 0.911. Table 5 Production constraints in the study area Problems P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Index Rank Unavailability of inputs 3 8 17 18 24 0.451 IV Labor costs 0 9 19 18 24 0.437 V Problem of irrigation 19 25 6 13 7 0.703 II Ineffective extension services 2 10 23 20 15 0.497 III Disease pest damage 46 18 5 1 0 0.911 I 3 Discussion A multiple regression model was used (Table 4). Five factors (age, total number of productive trees, years of farming experience, tree density, and intercropping) were used as independent variables for the model. Productivity was used as the dependent variable. The coefficient of years of farming experience is 0.130 indicates that if farming experience is increased by one year, it will lead to an increase of 0.130 tons of apple production per hectare. This finding aligns with the result of (Ahmed et al., 2022) and (Ghulam and Bahadur, 2017) suggesting that the more a person gains experience, they become more open to try new and improved innovations, learning from the benefits and disadvantages of their old practices. The coefficient of tree density is 0.004 indicating that if tree density is increased by a unit (trees per hectare), it will lead to an increase of 0.004 tons of apple production per hectare. The finding is in agreement with (Bhattaa and Paudel, 2022) that the increase in the number of trees per unit area leads to efficient land use and higher yield per unit area but may result in competitive stress during growth. The coefficient of Intercropping is -2.066 indicating that if intercropping is done, it will lead to a decrease of 2.066 tons of apple production per hectare. This finding is in agreement with (Prechsl, 2008) which is a study conducted in Jumla and Mugu district that suggests intercropping has negative effects due to lack of knowledge of farmers on proper intercropping methods. Woolly apple aphids, Sanjose scale, tent caterpillar, apple scab and nectoria twig blights are the major production constraints of apples in Jumla (Subedi et al., 2019). Problems of irrigation, ineffective extension services, unavailability of inputs, and labor costs were the order of the other problems ranked after disease pest damage. Irrigation is a major input for the improvement of the apple production. Ineffective extension service might be a production constraints as it limits farmers' knowledge of modern agricultural practices, pest and disease management, and other technical training. Our study contributes further evidence of the positive relationship between tree density and farming experience to the productivity of apple amidst the pitfall of production constraints, particularly damage by diseases and pests. The production constraints caused by diseases, pests and lack of irrigation facilities necessitate further study on effective biopesticides and promising resistant or tolerant varieties. Additionally, sustainable orchard management practices with optimal tree density and intercropping methods could help in increasing the productivity of apple. 4 Conclusion By using effective teaching methods, management of production constraints, and providing knowledge on major factors affecting apple productivity, high possibility exists for the improvement in the apple status of the district. Years of farming experience and tree density should be increased to ensure profitable apple productivity in the Jumla district of Nepal. The introduction of effective bio pesticides, promising pest-resistant varieties, and efficient irrigation systems are recommended.