
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 18-30 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 27 2.5.5 Workers’ Hygiene Only 65.3% of the respondents maintained the hygiene of workers and precautions for the welfare of workers (Table 12). The hygiene criteria included the use of gloves and protection equipment and the availability of immediate medications. Table 12 GAP standards related to workers’ hygiene in the survey area, 2022 Description Frequency (Yes) Frequency (No) Hygiene and precautions applied for workers 64 (65.3%) 33 (34%) Source: Field Survey, 2022 2.5.6 General requirement Out of the total respondents, about 26.9% of the farmers paid attention to visitor’s safety. Almost 32.3% of the respondents included suggestions from the visitors and 35.9% of them have well-maintained farm regulations. Registration of respective Mandarin farms was seen among 91.8% of the respondents. Documentation and record of farm income and expenses, management actions, and all inventory was performed by 56.12% of the respondents. Also, 15.3% of the respondents had well-prepared farm plans to act upon during the implementation of activities (Figure 5). Figure 5 Adoption of General requirement of the Farms under GAP in the survey area, 2022 (Source: Field Survey, 2022) 2.5.7 Variables related to GAP adoption Adoption of GAP was studied and classified based on three bases moderate phase (1), early phase (0-1), and not in practice (0). As observed from the table, the majority of farmers (15.4%) were seen in the moderate phase of adoption of planting material, followed by fertilizer and soil additives (10.2%). Only 3.2% of the farmers were adopting the standards under the general requirement in moderate status. About 45.3% of the respondents were in the early phase of adoption of standards related to planting material, followed by fertilizer and soil additives (41.2%), and very less (7.5%) were adopting irrigation standards to the early stage (Figure 6). A high percentage of farmers were seen not adopting the GAP variables compared to the applied one. Overall status of adoption was found ahead for planting material while at a slow pace for irrigation requirements. 2.6 Disease problem The response from the farmers showed that the major disease prevailing in the mandarin orchard was powdery mildew with an index value of 0.91, while citrus canker was the less problematic one with a value of 0.68 (Table 13). Foot rot, sooty mold, and dieback also brought hazards in the optimum production and return from Mandarin.