
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 18-30 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 24 Figure 2 Municipality-wise distribution related to GAP awareness in the survey area, 2022 (Source: Field Survey, 2022) Table 6 Source used by the respondent concerning awareness of GAP in the survey area, 2022 Description Institution Awareness on GAP Fully Partially Nil Source of sapling Private nurseries 11 23 15 Government nurseries 0 7 2 NGO/INGO 0 2 0 Citrus superzone 10 23 5 Source: Field Survey, 2022 2.4 GAP adoption 2.4.1 GAP adoption scenario of the respondents The adoption status is in the early phase in the majority of the respondents (39.8%), moderate (14.3%), and not in practice among (45.9%) of the farmers (Figure 3). The awareness and adoption scenario of GAPs is similar at the beginning stage in the study area. Figure 3 Status of GAP adopters in Mandarin in the survey area, 2022 (Source: Field Survey, 2022) 2.4.2 Socio-demographic variables of the respondents The majority of the respondents (74) were males, 34 of whom were in the early phase of adoption of GAP, while 24 were females with 11 in the early phase (Table 7). High no. of both males (30) and females (9) were not found to be adopting GAPs. The Brahmins were ahead in adoption (24) followed by Janjatis (14) and Chhetris (12).