
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 18-30 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 23 (8). The majority of the economically active population (78) was dependent on agriculture, as a main source of income. Many of the respondents (42) have completed S.L.C. level education and very few (1) were at the bachelor's level. Awareness of GAP was at a medium level in all categories of ethnic groups, and different income-based populations. Very less of the respondents were highly known of it. Males were found significantly more aware of GAP benefits compared to females (p=0.034) while there was no effect of ethnicity, education level, and income source on the level of awareness of GAP among farmers (Table 4). Table 4 Socio-economic variables of the respondents in the survey area, 2022 Description Category Awareness of GAP benefits Chi-square value p-value Fully Partially Nil Gender Male 17 45 12 6.75 0.034* Female 4 11 9 Ethnicity Brahmin 7 25 5 - - Chhetri 2 8 8 Janajati 5 17 10 Dalit 2 4 2 Others 2 1 0 Education level Below class 5 11 21 8 - - S.L.C. 7 28 7 Intermediate 0 6 6 Bachelors 0 0 1 Source of Income Agriculture 21 45 12 - - Business 0 5 4 Gov. Jo 0 1 3 Others 0 4 3 Note: *indicates significant at 0.05 level of significance (Source: Field Survey, 2022) 2.3.3 Source of training used Farmers were accessed to training in GAP and its benefits from different sources (Table 5). Mandarin superzone in the area was the major institution involved in the delivery of GAP-related information to the more mandarin growers (34), followed by AKC (20). Only some partial know-how in GAP was observed in more no. of respondents (45) concerning training provision. Table 5 Training source used by the respondents concerning awareness in the survey area, 2022 Description Source Awareness of GAPS Fully Partially Nil Access to the training MoALD 2 4 4 SuperZone 2 23 9 NGO/INGO 3 6 9 AKC 5 12 3 Others 0 0 1 Source: Field Survey, 2022 2.3.4 Municipality-wise scenario of GAP awareness Many respondents (35) from Putalibazaar municipality were partially aware of GAPs, 10 were fully known and 17 of the total were unknown about it (Figure 2). The mandarin growers of Waling municipality were in 2nd rank in the level of awareness with (7) fully known and (7) partially known. In addition, farmers from Arjunchaupari rural municipality were at least awareness level among all. 2.3.5 Source of sapling Among the sources used for procuring the sapling, 49 choose private nurseries, 38 choose superzone and very few (2) depend on NGOs/INGOs (Table 6). Also, awareness was observed higher in the farmers contacting superzones for planting materials.