
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 11-17 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 16 3 Discussion During the research period, the parameters under study were carefully measured and documented. Data analysis was done by using reliable software. Graft sprouting time was found to be statistically significant for scion varieties. Fuji variety showed the maximum days to sprouting and Royal Delicious showed the minimum days to sprouting. The observed result shows that the difference in graft sprouting time might be due to varietal characteristics. Fuji apple variety is a late maturing variety and has high chilling hours (Parkes et al., 2020). For bud breaking, variation in different varieties might be due to translocation of food reserves and cambial activity (Bose et al., 2019). Number of fully opened leaves was found to be maximum in Royal Delicious variety and minimum in Fuji variety of apple. Similarly, grafting tape was found to be a more suitable wrapping material for vegetative growth such as the number of leaves as observed in the result obtained. Findings observed are also following (Devkota et al., 2020) reported that grafts tied with grafting tape-recorded the maximum number of leaves on the Royal Delicious variety among the rootstocks grafted on 11th March at both 60DAG and 90DAG. It may be due to the elasticity of grafting tape that helps to prevent the drying of bud sticks and also allows for the production of wound tissue over cut surfaces as stated in (Zenginbal et al., 2006). Sprout length increment was found to be statistically significant for scion varieties. The observed result shows that the changes in the length of the sprouts of different scion varieties are due to varietal characteristics and genetic makeup. Similar findings were observed that reported a significant effect on plant height (Iqbal et al., 2016). Graft success was found to be maximum on Red Chief and Royal Delicious varieties. Sprout girth increment was found statistically non-significant for both scion varieties and wrapping materials. No interaction was observed between scion variety and wrapping material on any of the parameters under consideration. 4 Conclusion Royal Delicious variety was the best scion variety as devised from the study. From the research above Royal Delicious variety has shown better response than other varieties, thus the respective variety is suggested. Grafting tape has shown a higher number of leaves compared to polyethylene plastic, thus grafting tape is recommended as wrapping material. Authors’ contributions DPC and SG were involved in conducting the experiments, data analysis and interpretation, and drafting of the manuscript. RN and AR assisted during the layout and data collection. KB and MD were involved in the revision and final shape of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Acknowledgment The authors express sincere gratitude to the involved farmers and all the supporting hands, directly and indirectly, helping with the research. The author also expresses appreciation to PMAMP, PIU unit for their unwavering guidance and technical support during the research. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Ak B.E., Hatipoglu I., and Dikmetas B., 2021, Propagation of Fruit Trees, Recent Headways in Pomology (Edited by: M. Pakyurek) Chapter, 3, pp.55-92. Atreya P., and Kafle A., 2016, Production practice, market, and value chain study of organic apple of Jumla, Journal of Agriculture and Environment, 17: 11-23. https://doi.org/10.3126/aej.v17i0.19855 Bose S., Ghosh K., and Howlader P., 2019, Effect of Variety and Rootstock Age on the Success and Survivability of Epicotyl Grafting in Mango, Journal of Agricultural Research Advances, 1(1): 13-25. Boyer J., and Liu R., 2004, Apple phytochemicals and their health benefits, Nutrition Journal, 3: 289-303. https://doi.org/10.1186/1475-2891-3-5 PMid:15140261 PMCid:PMC442131