
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 11-17 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 14 2.2 Number of fully opened leaves The number of fully opened leaves was found to be significantly influenced by scion variety and wrapping materials at both 60DAG and 75DAG (Table 2). Royal Delicious was found statistically significant on par with other varieties. The maximum number of leaves was found in variety Royal Delicious i.e. 10.5 in 60DAG and 18.5 in 75DAG. Whereas, the minimum number of leaves was found in variety Fuji i.e. 8.83 in 60DAG and 16.33 in 75DAG.The effect of wrapping materials on the number of fully opened leaves was also found to be significantly different. The grafting tape-tied scion showed a higher number of leaves i.e. 10.42 in 60DAG and 18.25 in 75DAG compared to polyethylene plastic-tied scion i.e. 9.25 in 60DAG and 16.91 in 75DAG. The interaction between scion and wrapping material was found to be non-significant at both 60DAG and 75DAG. Table 2 Effect of scion variety and wrapping materials on the number of days to sprouting of graft and number of leaves on tongue grafting of apple in Jumla, 2023 Treatments Days to sprout Number of leaves Factor A (Scion varieties) 75DAG 60DAG 75DAG Fuji 57.3a 8.83b 16.33b Royal Delicious 47.3c 10.50a 18.50a RedChief 49.67bc 10.00a 18.00a Vance Delicious 54.83ab 10.00a 17.50ab SEm(±) 2.00 0.36 0.49 LSD 6.089* 1.11* 1.48* Factor - - - B (Wrapping material) - - - Polyethylene plastic 53.5 9.25b 16.91b Grafting tape 51.08 10.42a 18.25a SEm(±) 1.42 0.26 0.35 LSD ns 0.78** 1.046* Grandmean 52.29 9.83 17.58 CV(%) 9.40 9.12 6.79 Note: Means with the same letter within a column do not differ significantly at p= 0.05 by DMRT. *= Significant at 5% (p≤0.05), **= Significant at 1% (p≤0.01), ***=Significant at 0.1% (p≤0.001), ns= non-significant, SEm= Standard error of the mean, LSD= Least Significant Difference, CV= Coefficient of variance, DAG= Days after grafting 2.3 Sprout length increment The effect of scion variety on sprout length was found to be significant at both 60DAG and 75DAG. The maximum sprout length was found to be 12.68 cm in Vance Delicious at 60DAG and 37.78 cm in Fuji variety at 75DAG. Fuji variety was found statistically significant with Vance Delicious i.e. 12.68 cm. Variety Royal Delicious showed minimum sprout length at both 60DAG and 75DAG i.e. 9.65 cm and 31.45 cm respectively. The result of ANOVA also showed the effect of wrapping materials on sprout length to be statistically non-significant. However, at 60DAG and 75DAG the sprout length was found to be 10.45 cm and 33.29 cm in graft tied with polyethylene plastic, and the sprout length of 11.62 cm and 33.79 cm in graft tied with grafting tape. The interaction between scion and wrapping material was found to be non-significant at both 60DAG and 75DAG. 2.4 Sprout girth increment The effect of scion variety and wrapping materials on sprout girth increment was found to be statistically non-significant in both observations i.e. 60DAG and 75DAG (Table 3). At 60DAG, the maximum sprout girth was found to be 1.36 cm on the Vance Delicious variety and the minimum sprout girth was found to be 1.25 cm on Red Chief. At 75DAG, the maximum sprout girth was found to be 1.59 cm on the Fuji variety and the minimum sprout girth was found to be 1.44 cm on the Vance Delicious variety. All the scion varieties were found to be statistically similar for sprout girth.