
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 11-17 http://hortherbpublisher.com/index.php/ijh 13 (1) Polyethylene plastic (W1) (2) Grafting tape (W2) Table 1 Treatment details used in the study S.N Name of treatment Symbol Treatment 1 Fuji + Polyethylene plastic V1*W1 T1 2 Fuji + Grafting tape V1*W2 T2 3 Royal Delicious + Polyethylene plastic V2*W1 T3 4 Royal Delicious + Grafting tape V2*W2 T4 5 Red chief + Polyethylene plastic V3*W1 T5 6 Red chief + Grafting tape V3*W2 T6 7 Vance Delicious + Polyethylene plastic V4*W1 T7 8 Vance Delicious + Grafting tape V4*W2 T8 1.5 Data collection and measurement methodology Five experimental saplings per plot were selected and tagged for taking the measurement leaving saplings from all sites of the experiment unit as border plants. The growth and success of the grafts were precisely monitored and recorded at regular intervals, following a structured approach to ensure accuracy and consistency in data collection. 1.5.1 Graft sprouting time The time taken for each graft to sprout was observed and documented. This data was recorded at 15-day intervals starting from the date of grafting, providing insights into the initial growth response of the grafts. 1.5.2 Sprout length increment The growth in length of the first sprout was a critical parameter. Measurements were taken at 60 and 75 days after grafting (DAG) using a scale. This information helped assess the rate of growth and vigor of the sprouts. 1.5.3 Sprout girth increment The growth in girth of the first sprout was observed and measurements were taken at 60 and 75 days after grafting (DAG). This information helped assess the graft compatibility and the success of graft union. 1.5.4 Number of fully opened leaves Measurements of the total number of fully opened leaves were taken at 60 and 75 days after grafting (DAG). This information assisted in evaluating the healthy vascular connection and the successful vegetative growth. 1.5.5 Graft success The total number of successfully sprouted scions and the total number of dried scions were recorded. The graft success rate was then calculated using the formula: 1.6 Statistical analysis The obtained data were entered and processed in Microsoft Excel. Rstudio software was used to analyze the data obtained. Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was used for mean separation at a 5% level of significance. 2 Results and Analysis 2.1 Graft sprouting time The result of ANOVA showed graft sprouting time was found to be significantly influenced by scion variety at 75DAG, on par with Red Chief i.e. 49.67, and Vance Delicious i.e. 54.83. Royal Delicious showed the minimum days to sprouting i.e. 47.3 days and variety Fuji showed the maximum days to sprouting i.e. 57.3 days. The effect of the wrapping materials on graft sprouting time was statistically non-significant. However, at 75DAG the graft sprouting time with polyethylene plastic and grafting tape were found to be 53.5 days and 51.08 days respectively. The interaction between scion and wrapping material was found to be non-significant at 75 DAG.