
Molecular Plant Breeding 2025, Vol.16, No.1, 44-54 53 4.6 Data analysis Excel 2016 was used to statistically organize the data and create charts. SPSS 17.0 was used to analyze the significance of differences between samples. Authors’ Contributions ZXL was the primary author of this study, responsible for data collection, analysis, and drafting the manuscript. FCZ was contributed to the study design. ZXH, XS, TZX, ZY, and WHY participated in revising the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Acknowledgments The authors sincerely thank ZXH from the Horticultural Research Project Team for assistance with image processing and literature compilation in this manuscript. Special thanks are extended to FCZ for reviewing and revising the manuscript. Additionally, the authors are deeply grateful to the two anonymous peer reviewers for their comprehensive evaluation of the manuscript. Funding This study was supported by the Basic Research Program of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Education (2019J0575); Institutional Talent Recruitment Program (XJ20230087) and Universities Union Fund of Yunnan (No.202301BA070001-005). Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Cheng S.M., Li W.T., Cheng X.M., and Huang X.X., 2019, Effects of different cadmium stress on growth and physiological characteristics of Hedera helix, Xinan Linye Daxue Xuebao (Journal of Southwest Forestry University), 39(2): 29-35. Gosavi G.S., Jadhav A.S., Kale A.A., Gadakh S.R., Pawar B.D., and Chimote V.P., 2014, Effect of heat stress on proline, chlorophyll content, heat shock proteins and antioxidant enzyme activity in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) at seedlings stage, Indian J. Biotechnol., 13: 356-363. Hameed A., Goher M., and Iqbal N., 2012, Heat stress-induced cell death, changes in antioxidants, lipid peroxidation, and protease activity in wheat leaves, J. Plant Growth Regul., 31: 283-291. Hasanuzzaman M., Nahar K., Alam M.M., Roychowdhury R., and Fujita M., 2013, Physiological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms of heat stress tolerance in plants, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 14(5): 9643-9684. PMid:23644891 PMCid:PMC3676804 Hayat S., Hayat Q., Alyemeni M.N., Wani A.S., Pichtel J., and Ahmad A., 2012, Role of proline under changing environments: a review, Plant Signal. Behav., 7(11): 1456-1466. PMid:22951402 PMCid:PMC3548871 Kaushal N., Bhandari K., Siddique K.H.M., and Nayyar H., 2016, Food crops face rising temperatures: An overview of responses, adaptive mechanisms, and approaches to improve heat tolerance, Cogent Food and Agriculture, 2(1): 1134380. Kumar S., Gupta D., and Nayyar H., 2012, Comparative response of maize and rice genotypes to heat stress: status of oxidative stress and antioxidants, Acta Physiol. Plant., 34: 75-86. Li Y., Zhang M., Ning P., and Huang X.X., 2022, Effects of exogenous NO on physiological characteristics of Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis under salt stress, Zhiwu Shengli Xuebao (Plant Physiology Journal), 58(1): 207-213. Mathur S., Agrawal D., and Jajoo A, 2014, Photosynthesis: response to high temperature stress, J. Photoch. Photobiol. B, 137: 116-126. PMid:24796250 Metcalfe D.J., 2005, Hedera helix L., The Journal of Ecology, 93(3): 632-648. Mohanty S., Grimm B., and Tripathy B.C., 2006, Light and dark modulation of chlorophyll biosynthetic genes in response to temperature, Planta, 224(3): 692-699. PMid:16523349 Pandey A.K., Pandey M., and Tripathi B.D., 2015, Air pollution tolerance index of climber plant species to develop vertical greenery systems in a polluted tropical city, Landscape and Urban Planning, 144: 119-127.