Molecular Plant Breeding 2024, Vol.15, No.6, 403-416 412 10 Concluding Remarks Genomic approaches have revolutionized the field of wheat disease resistance breeding by providing tools and methodologies that enhance the precision and efficiency of breeding programs. The integration of high-throughput sequencing technologies, molecular markers, and bioinformatics has enabled the identification and characterization of resistance genes at an unprecedented scale. These advancements have facilitated the development of wheat varieties with improved resistance to a wide range of pathogens, thereby contributing to global food security. Current progress in genomic approaches for wheat disease resistance includes the generation of multiple wheat genome assemblies, which have revealed extensive genetic diversity and structural variations among different wheat lines. These assemblies serve as a foundation for functional gene discovery and the development of modern wheat cultivars. Genomics-assisted breeding has been successfully applied to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) and marker-trait associations, which are crucial for breeding disease-resistant varieties. The use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms and high-density molecular marker maps has further accelerated the breeding process by enabling genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and genomic selection. Future research directions should focus on the creation of comprehensive resistance gene atlases and the exploration of untapped genetic diversity in wheat germplasm collections. The development of new breeding technologies, such as CRISPR/Cas-9 and advanced molecular markers, will be essential for achieving durable disease resistance. Additionally, integrating genomic data with phenotypic data and environmental factors will enhance the accuracy of genomic selection models, leading to the development of wheat varieties that are resilient to both biotic and abiotic stresses. The potential of genomic breeding in improving wheat disease resistance is immense. By leveraging genomic tools, breeders can rapidly identify and deploy resistance genes from diverse sources, including wild relatives and landraces, into elite wheat lines. This approach not only enhances the durability of resistance but also reduces the likelihood of pathogen evolution and the emergence of new virulent strains. The judicious application of genomic resources, such as resistance gene atlases and high-throughput genotyping platforms, will enable the development of wheat varieties that can withstand multiple diseases, thereby ensuring stable and high yields. In conclusion, genomic approaches have significantly advanced wheat disease resistance breeding, providing a robust framework for future research and development. By continuing to harness the power of genomics, we can develop wheat varieties that are not only disease-resistant but also adaptable to changing environmental conditions, ultimately contributing to sustainable agriculture and global food security. Acknowledgments Thank you to the anonymous reviewers for their suggested revisions to this manuscript. Funding This research was funded by Zhejiang Science and Technology Major Program on Agricultural New Variety Breeding (2021C02064-3-3). Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Ahmad S., Wei X., Sheng Z., Hu P., and Tang S., 2020, CRISPR/Cas9 for development of disease resistance in plants: recent progress, limitations and future prospects, Briefings in Functional Genomics, 19(1): 26-39. PMid:31915817