
Molecular Plant Breeding 2024, Vol.15, No.4, 198-208 206 9 Concluding Remarks The integration of exotic maize varieties into breeding programs has shown significant potential for enhancing genetic diversity and improving yield performance. Studies have demonstrated that exotic germplasm can broaden the genetic base of local populations, leading to increased yield stability and adaptability across diverse agro-ecologies. For instance, the incorporation of temperate exotic genes into sub-tropical maize germplasm pools in Zimbabwe resulted in hybrids with higher grain yield potential and earlier maturity compared to local commercial checks. Similarly, the genetic improvement of maize cultivars in China from the 1980s to the 2010s has led to substantial gains in yield potential, with a notable contribution from optimized plant traits such as leaf angle and photosynthetic capacity. Moreover, the genetic dissection of drought tolerance in maize has highlighted the importance of advanced molecular breeding techniques, including genome editing and marker-assisted selection, in enhancing stress resilience. The potential of newer maize varieties to mitigate nitrogen emissions while increasing grain yield further underscores the environmental benefits of modern breeding practices. Additionally, the identification of gene resources for nutrient improvement in maize kernels offers promising avenues for enhancing the nutritional quality of maize. The future of maize breeding lies in the strategic utilization of exotic germplasm to address the challenges posed by climate change, resource limitations, and the need for sustainable agricultural practices. The genetic diversity present in early and extra-early maturing maize germplasm adapted to sub-Saharan Africa provides a valuable resource for developing resilient maize varieties capable of thriving in diverse agro-ecological zones. Phenotypic characterization of maize landraces from West Africa has revealed significant genetic variability, which can be harnessed to improve agronomic traits and stress tolerance. Furthermore, the genomic analysis of maize landraces has confirmed their potential as a rich source of novel genetic variation, essential for future breeding programs aimed at enhancing yield and adaptability. The integration of these diverse genetic resources into breeding pipelines will be crucial for achieving sustainable maize production and food security in the face of global environmental changes. In conclusion, the continued exploration and incorporation of exotic maize varieties into breeding programs hold immense promise for the genetic improvement of maize. By leveraging the genetic diversity and unique traits of these exotic germplasm, breeders can develop high-yielding, resilient, and nutritionally enhanced maize varieties that meet the demands of a growing population and a changing climate. Acknowledgments The authors would like to express gratitude to the two anonymous peer reviewers for their constructive suggestions on the manuscript. Funding The study was funded by the “Three Rural Nine Directions” Agricultural Science and Technology Cooperation Plan Project Foundation of Zhejiang Provinces (2023R24S61C01). Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Asea G., Kwemoi D., Sneller C., Kasozi C., Das B., Musundire L., Makumbi D., Beyene Y., and Prasanna B., 2023, Genetic trends for yield and key agronomic traits in pre-commercial and commercial maize varieties between 2008 and 2020 in Uganda, Frontiers in Plant Science, 14: 1020667. PMid:36968404 PMCid:PMC10036907