
Molecular Plant Breeding 2024, Vol.15, No.4, 187-197 195 sustainability and productivity in varying environmental conditions. Additionally, by focusing on key traits such as flower aesthetics, disease resistance, and oil quality, MAS can significantly enhance the commercial and ornamental value of Camellia species. Marker-assisted selection has emerged as a powerful tool in Camellia breeding, offering numerous advantages over traditional methods. To fully harness the potential of MAS, several recommendations are proposed. Continued investment in genomic resources, including sequencing and annotating Camellia genomes, developing high-density genetic maps, and expanding marker databases, is essential to support MAS. Integrating advanced technologies such as CRISPR/Cas9, genomic selection, and high-throughput phenotyping with MAS will enhance breeding outcomes. Promoting collaboration between public research institutions, private breeding companies, and international organizations will facilitate the sharing of resources, expertise, and innovative approaches. Engaging with the public and stakeholders to communicate the benefits and safety of MAS-derived Camellia varieties will foster acceptance and support for these technologies. Breeding programs should also prioritize developing Camellia varieties that contribute to sustainable agriculture, focusing on traits related to resource use efficiency, climate resilience, and environmental impact. In conclusion, the application of MAS in Camellia breeding represents a transformative approach that can drive the development of superior varieties, meeting the demands of both ornamental horticulture and commercial production. By addressing current challenges and embracing future research directions, breeders can unlock the full potential of MAS, ensuring the continued success and sustainability of Camellia breeding programs. Acknowledgments The authors extend sincere thanks to two anonymous peer reviewers for their feedback on the manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Abebe K., 2019, Genotype by sequencing method and its application for crop improvement (a review), Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 7(1): 1-7. Ali M., Zhang L., DeLacy I., Arief V., Dieters M., Pfeiffer W., Wang J., and Li H., 2020, Modeling and simulation of recurrent phenotypic and genomic selections in plant breeding under the presence of epistasis, Crop Journal, 8(5): 866-877. Bali S., Raina S., Bhat V., Aggarwal R., and Goel S., 2013, Development of a set of genomic microsatellite markers in tea (Camellia L.) (Camelliaceae). Molecular Breeding, 32: 735-741. Chang Y., Oh E., Lee M., Kim H., Moon D., and Song K., 2017, Construction of a genetic linkage map based on RAPD, AFLP, and SSR markers for tea plant (Camellia sinensis), Euphytica, 213: 190. Dubey H., Rawal H., Rohilla M., Lama U., Kumar P., Bandyopadhyay T., Gogoi M., Singh N., and Mondal T., 2020, TeaMiD: a comprehensive database of simple sequence repeat markers of tea, Database, 2020: baaa013. PMid:32159215 PMCid:PMC7065459 Feng J., Jiang Y., Yang Z., Chen S., El-Kassaby Y., and Chen H., 2020, Marker-assisted selection in C. oleifera hybrid population, Silvae Genetica, 69: 63-72. PMid:32159215 PMCid:PMC7065459 Foolad M., and Panthee D., 2012, Marker-assisted selection in tomato breeding, Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 31(2): 93-123. Guo A.Q., Feng H.F., Jing P., Lan Y., and Cao X.N., 2024, White tea: a review on composition characteristics, extraction techniques, and application potentials, Journal of Tea Science Research, 14(1): 19-43.