
Molecular Plant Breeding 2024, Vol.15, No.4, 155-166 163 Despite these advances, significant challenges remain, and there are several key areas where future research is critically needed. First, the full assembly of the polyploid sugarcane genome remains incomplete. Continued efforts to achieve a more complete and annotated reference genome will be crucial, as this will provide the necessary foundation for all genetic and genomic studies in sugarcane. Additionally, the functional validation of candidate genes identified through genomic studies is still in its infancy. Advanced gene-editing technologies such as CRISPR/Cas systems need to be adapted and optimized for sugarcane to enable precise manipulation of genetic traits. Meanwhile, there is a need to better integrate multi-omics data (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics) to gain a holistic understanding of the biological processes underlying trait development in sugarcane. This integration will not only help in elucidating complex traits such as stress resistance and photosynthetic efficiency but also in harnessing these traits for the development of superior sugarcane varieties. By addressing these research needs, the sugarcane research community can continue to make significant contributions to global food security and sustainable bioenergy production. Funding This work was financially supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFD2301100), the Guangxi Natural Science Foundation (GK AA22117002), and the ‘One Hundred Person’ Project of Guangxi Province, Science. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Akbar S., Wei Y., Yuan Y., Khan M.T., Qin L., Powell C.A., Chen B., and Zhang M., 2020, Gene expression profiling of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and antioxidant defense system following sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) infection, BMC Plant Biol., 20: 532. PMid:33228528 PMCid:PMC7685628 Andru S., Pan Y., Thongthawee S., Burner D., and Kimbeng C., 2011, Genetic analysis of the sugarcane (Saccharumspp.) cultivar ‘LCP 85-384’. I. Linkage mapping using AFLP, SSR, and TRAP markers, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 123: 77-93. PMid:21472411 Banerjee N., Khan M.S., Swapna M., Yadav S., Tiwari G.J., Jena S.N., Patel J.D., Manimekalai R., Kumar S., Dattamajuder S.K., Kapur R., Koebernick J.C., and Singh R.K., 2023, QTL mapping and identification of candidate genes linked to red rot resistance in sugarcane, 3 Biotech, 13: 82. PMid:36778768 PMCid:PMC9911584 Bao Y., Zhang Q., Huang J., Zhang S., Yao W., Yu Z., Deng Z., Yu J., Kong W., Yu X., Lu S., Wang Y., Li R., Song Y., Zou C., Xu Y., Liu Z., Yu F., Song J., Huang Y., Zhang J., Wang H., Chen B., Zhang X., and Zhang M., 2024, A chromosomal-scale genome assembly of modern cultivated hybrid sugarcane provides insights into origination and evolution, Nature Communications, 15: 3041. PMid:38589412 PMCid:PMC11001919 Barreto F., Rosa J., Balsalobre T., Pastina M., Silva R., Hoffmann H., Souza A., Garcia A., and Carneiro M., 2019, A genome-wide association study identified loci for yield component traits in sugarcane (Saccharumspp.), PLoS One, 14(7): e0219843. PMid:31318931 PMCid:PMC6638961 Casu R., Manners J., Bonnett G., Jackson P., McIntyre C., Dunne R., Chapman S., Rae A., and Grof C., 2005, Genomics approaches for the identification of genes determining important traits in sugarcane, Field Crops Research, 92: 137-147. Costa E.A., Anoni C.O., Mancini M.C., Santos F.R.C., Marconi T.G., Gazaffi R., Pastina M.M., Perecin D., Mollinari M., Xavier M.A., Pinto L.R., Souza A.P., and Garcia A.A.F., 2016, QTL mapping including codominant SNP markers with ploidy level information in a sugarcane progeny, Euphytica, 211: 1-16. D'Hont A., Grivet L., Feldmann P., Rao S., Berding N., and Glaszmann J.C., 1996, Characterisation of the double genome structure of modern sugarcane cultivars (Saccharumspp.) by molecular cytogenetics, Molecular and General Genetics, 250: 405-413. PMid:8602157