
Molecular Plant Breeding 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 112-131 125 8) Dehydrin genes in Cucurbitaceae species are associated with abiotic stress-response elements, indicating their role in stress tolerance and their potential for molecular breeding (Lee et al., 2017). 9) AP2/EREBP gene family members, particularly the DREB subfamily, are associated with abiotic stress responses in Cucurbitaceae species, suggesting their utility in breeding for stress resilience9. 10) HSP20 family genes in Cucurbita moschata are differentially expressed under heat stress, with certain genes identified as candidates for breeding heat-tolerant crops (Hu et al., 2021). Research across multiple studies has identified several gene families in Cucurbitaceae species that are involved in abiotic stress responses. These include BES1, TCS, GASA, SOD, MLO, VQ, Dehydrin, AP2/EREBP, and HSP20. The differential expression of these genes under various stress conditions highlights their potential roles in conferring stress tolerance. The insights gained from these studies are instrumental in guiding breeding programs aimed at developing cultivars with enhanced resilience to abiotic stresses, thereby ensuring crop productivity and food security in the face of environmental challenges. 6.2.4 Conservation Genetic and genomic research within the Cucurbitaceae family has provided significant insights into the conservation and enhancement of genetic diversity, which is crucial for the future of breeding programs. 1) Genome sequencing of various Cucurbitaceae species has facilitated the understanding of gene identification, genome evolution, and molecular breeding, aiding in the conservation of genetic diversity (Ma et al., 2022). 2) Comparative genomic analyses have revealed conserved genetic architecture for fruit size and shape across cucurbits, which can be leveraged for tailored conservation strategies (Pan et al., 2019). 3) Chloroplast genome sequences have been used to understand phylogenetic relationships within the Cucurbitaceae, providing insights into selective pressures and aiding in the identification of molecular markers for conservation (Zhang et al., 2018). 4) Genetic resources of major cucurbit crops have been documented, highlighting the importance of ex situ germplasm banks and genomic efforts in preserving genetic diversity and informing conservation policies (Grumet et al., 2021). 5) Studies on the genetic diversity and structure of wild cucurbit populations, such as Cucurbita argyrosperma subsp. sororia, have identified regions with high genetic diversity, which are crucial for conservation efforts (Balvino-Olvera et al., 2017). 6) Genetic relationship analyses using ISSR markers have demonstrated significant diversification among cucurbit cultivars, which is essential for understanding genetic conservation needs (Payel et al., 2015). 7) The karyotype stability and unbiased fractionation in the paleo-allotetraploid Cucurbita genomes suggest long-term genomic stability, which is important for conservation and breeding (Sun et al., 2017). 8) RAPD markers have been used to assess genetic diversity and taxonomic relationships within the Cucurbitaceae family, providing a basis for conservation decisions (Anbari et al., 2015). 9) Morphological and molecular approaches have revealed high genetic diversity in Portuguese landraces of Cucurbitaspp., underscoring the value of these genetic resources for conservation (Martins et al., 2015). 10) SSR markers have shown high transferability across different species/genera within the Cucurbitaceae family, indicating a considerable level of genetic diversity and relationships that can inform conservation strategies (Adeyemo et al., 2019).