
Molecular Plant Breeding 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 112-131 122 6.1.4 Zucchini (Cucurbita spp.) The zucchini genome, representing the Cucurbita genus, has been sequenced, revealing a whole-genome duplication event associated with the origin of the genus. This duplication is present in all Cucurbita species analyzed but not in the more distant Cucumis and Citrullus genera, suggesting a divergence that occurred approximately 30±4 million years ago (Figure 6) (Montero-Pau et al., 2017). Figure 6 Genome organization and synteny inCucurbita pepo(Adopted from Montero-Pau et al., 2017) Image caption: (a) This Circos plot illustrates the distribution of paralogous gene pairs within the Cucurbita pepo genome (indicated by red lines), with outer plots quantifying the proportions of repetitive (blue) and gene-encoding (green) DNA in 200-Kb windows. (b) Demonstrates genomic synteny between Cucurbita pepo and other cucurbit species including Cucumis melo, Cucumis sativus, and Citrullus lanatus, with lines connecting single-copy orthologs to indicate shared genomic regions. (c) Provides a summary diagram depicting the species phylogeny and highlighting a significant whole genome duplication (WGD) event that has influenced evolutionary paths (Adapted from Montero-Pau et al., 2017) This study by Montero-Pau et al. (2017) is pivotal in advancing our understanding of the genomic architecture and evolutionary history of cucurbit species, specifically Cucurbita pepo. The detailed examination of paralogous gene pairs and synteny across species sheds light on the evolutionary processes that have shaped the cucurbit genomes, highlighting the significant role of whole genome duplications. Such duplications are often key drivers of genetic diversity and innovation within plant families, providing new genetic material for adaptation and speciation. The Circos plot visualization effectively underscores the complex interplay between different genomic segments, facilitating a deeper understanding of genome evolution dynamics. This genomic insight is crucial for breeding strategies as it helps identify potential genetic resources for enhancing desirable traits such as disease resistance, fruit quality, and yield in cucurbit crops. 6.2 Insights gained from genetic and genomic research, and their practical applications The advances in genetic and genomic technologies have transformed our understanding of the Cucurbitaceae family, leading to several practical applications: 6.2.1 Disease resistance Genetic studies in cucurbits have increasingly focused on identifying and utilizing disease-resistance genes to improve crop resilience and reduce chemical pesticide use. These efforts have been particularly concentrated on cucumbers and melons, where resistance to powdery mildew and various viral pathogens has been a significant breeding target. 1) Genetic resistance to a range of viral diseases in cucurbits, including Potyviruses, Cucumoviruses, and Begomoviruses, has been identified, with melon and cucumber showing intraspecific resistance and wild relatives contributing to resistance in other species (Martín-Hernández and Picó, 2020).