
Molecular Plant Breeding 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 100-111 105 Figure 3 Circular Manhattan plots of genome-wide association scan for seven traits studied in WM-800 across N treatments (Adopted from Lisker et al., 2022) Image caption: This figure displays the genome-wide association results for seven traits across different nitrogen levels, depicted in circular Manhattan plots (Lisker et al., 2022). Each plot illustrates the -log10 Bonferroni-adjusted p-values (BON_p < 0.05) indicating significant marker-trait associations. The outer circle labels the wheat chromosomes, while circle 'a' shows the density of haplotypes and singular SNPs per megabase. Circles 'b' to 'h' represent the GWAS results for heading, maturity, plant height, ears per square meter, grain number per ear, thousand grain weight, and grain yield, respectively, with the significance threshold highlighted by a red circle at BON_p = 0.05 (Adapted from Lisker et al., 2022) Moreover, the genetic analysis of complex traits has been facilitated by the development of specific software for MAGIC populations, which can handle their complex genetic constitutions (Arrones et al., 2020). The broad genetic base of MAGIC populations promises breakthroughs in genetic gain, QTL and gene discovery, and the enhancement of breeding populations (Huynh et al., 2018). The MAGIC breeding approach has also been applied to improve nutrient use efficiency traits in bread wheat, demonstrating the potential to meet the demands of food security through plant breeding (Vats et al., 2015). Additionally, the development of MAGIC populations in crops where pure lines are not available and the establishment of strategies for the straightforward incorporation of MAGIC materials in breeding pipelines are new approaches that have barely been explored (Arrones et al., 2020). In conclusion, MAGIC populations have proven to be a very powerful tool for the dissection of complex traits and a resource for the selection of recombinant elite breeding material and cultivars, playing a major role in the coming years in allowing for impressive gains in plant breeding (Arrones et al., 2020).