
Molecular Plant Breeding 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 90-99 96 5Prospect Although NAC transcription factors have made significant achievements in the field of plant stress resistance research, there are still many unknown areas waiting to be explored. In order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the molecular regulatory mechanisms of NAC in plants and provide strong support for growth regulation and stress resistance enhancement, future research can be carried out in the following directions: Firstly, given the numerous and diverse functions of the NAC family, in-depth research on the interactions and synergistic regulatory mechanisms among different members will help us to have a more comprehensive understanding of the role of NAC in plant growth, development, and stress response; Secondly, current research on the role of NAC in stress response mainly focuses on the nutritional growth stage of plants, with limited understanding of its regulatory role in the reproductive stage, which will be an important direction for future research; Finally, by exploring the excellent allele variations of NAC in natural and mutant populations, and exploring their potential applications in improving crop quality, yield, and stress resistance, new strategies and ideas will be provided for genetic improvement of crops. 6 Conclusion NAC transcription factors play a crucial role in the response mechanisms of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses. They can sense various environmental pressure signals, such as drought, salinity, low temperature, etc., thereby activating or inhibiting the expression of a series of downstream genes, helping plants adapt to adverse environmental conditions. This enables us to accurately cultivate new plants with stronger resistance to disease and stress through transgenic technology. Authors’ Contributions ZZ, XA, LZ, GZ, and CC originated the conceptual framework; XA supervised the data compilation; ZZ performed the formal analyses; XA secured the financial support. The research was carried out by ZZ and TL, with methodological guidance from ZZ and XL. Resource acquisition was handled by XA and ZZ. The initial draft of the manuscript was prepared by XA and ZZ, and XA led the subsequent drafting, review, and editing process. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Acknowledgments This study is funded by the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: the National Bast Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System (CARS-16-S05). Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Alshareef N.O., Otterbach S.L., Allu A.D., Woo Y.H., de Werk T., Kamranfar I., Mueller-Roeber B., Tester M., Balazadeh S., and Schmöckel S.M., 2022, NAC transcription factors ATAF1 and ANAC055 affect the heat stress response in Arabidopsis, Sci. Rep., 12(1): 11264. PMid:35787631 PMCid:PMC9253118 Bu Q., Jiang H., Li C.B., Zhai Q., Zhang J., Wu X., Sun J., Xie Q., and Li C., 2008, Role of the Arabidopsis thaliana NAC transcription factors ANAC019 and ANAC055 in regulating jasmonic acid-signaled defense responses, Cell Research, 18(7): 756-767. Chen C., Jost M., Outram M.A., Friendship D., Chen J., Wang A., Periyannan S., Bartoš J., Holušová K., Doležel J., Zhang P., Bhatt D., Singh D., Lagudah E., Park R.F., and Dracatos P.M., 2023, A pathogen-induced putative NAC transcription factor mediates leaf rust resistance in barley, Nature Communications, 14(1): 5468. PMid:37673864 PMCid:PMC10482968 Chen Y., Sun X., Hu S., Cao Y., and Lu X.Q., 2009, Analysis of conserved domains of NAC transcription factors related to secondary growth in Arabidopsis thaliana, Journal of Northwest A&F University (Natural Science Edition), 37(5): 185-194, 200.