
Molecular Plant Breeding 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 42-51 48 Authors’ Contributions QJ, GD, XA, LZ, and CC conceived the idea; XA organized the data; QJ and GD conducted the formal analyses; XA obtained the funding. QJ, GD, and TL conducted the research; QJ, GD, and XL provided the methodology; XA and QJ, GD obtained the resources; XA and QJ and GD wrote the original manuscript, and XA wrote, reviewed, and edited the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Acknowledgments This research was funded by Zhejiang Province "San Nong Jiu Fang" Science and Technology Cooperation Plan Project (2024SNJF005), China Agriculture Research System of MOF and MARA, China Agriculture Research System for Bast and Leaf Fiber Crops (CARS-16-S05), and National Natural Science Foundation of China (32202506). Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Cai R.H., 2016, Identification of stress-resistance related genes of group Ⅱd WRKY transcription factor family in maize and function analysis of ZmWRKY17, Dissertation for Ph.D., Anhui Agricultural University, Supervisor: Xiang Y., pp.77. Chakraborty J., Ghosh P., Sen S., Nandi A.K., and Das S., 2019, CAMPK9 increases the stability of CaWRKY40 transcription factor which triggers defense response in chickpea upon Fusarium oxysporumf. sp. ciceri Race1 infection, Plant Mol. Biol., 100(3): 411-431. PMid:30953279 Chang Y.Q., 2018, Cloning and functional verification of genes related to cotton and Bemisia tabaci, Thesis for M.S., Huazhong Agricultural University, Supervisor: Jin S.X., pp.23-45. Chen L.G., Song Y., Li S.J., Zhang L.P., Zou C.S., and Yu D.Q., 2012, The role of WRKY transcription factors in plant abiotic stresses, Biochim Biophys Acta, 1819(2): 120-128. PMid:21964328 Chen X.T., Liu J., Lin G.F., Wang A.R., Wang Z.H., and Lu G.D., 2013, Overexpression of AtWRKY28 and AtWRKY75 in Arabidopsis enhances resistance to oxalic acid and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Plant Cell Rep., 32(10): 1589-1599. PMid:23749099 Chu X., Wang C., Chen X., Lu W., Li H., Wang X., Hao L., and Guo X., 2016, Correction: the cotton WRKY gene GhhWRKY41 positively regulates salt and drought stress tolerance in transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana, PLoS One, 11(6): e0157026. PMid:27253990 PMCid:PMC4890847 Dang F.F., Wang Y.N., Yu L., Eulgem T., Lai Y., Liu Z.Q., WangX., Qiu A.L., Zhang T.X., Lin J., Chen Y.S., Guan D.Y, Cai H.Y., Mou S.L., and He S.L., 2013, CaWRKY40, a WRKY protein of pepper, plays an important role in the regulation of tolerance to heat stress and resistance to Ralstonia solanacerum infection, Plant Cell Environ., 36(4): 757-774. PMid:22994555 Ding Z.J., Yan J.Y., Xu X.Y., Li G.X., and Zheng S.J., 2013, WRKY46 functions as a transcriptional repressor of ALMT1, regulating aluminum-induced malate secretion in Arabidopsis, Plant J., 76(5): 825-835. PMid:24118304 Dong J., Chen C., and Chen Z., 2003, Expression profiles of the Arabidopsis WRKY gene superfamily during plant defense response, Plant Mol. Boil., 51(2): 21-37. PMid:12602888 Dong S.C, Ling J.Y., Zhao L.P., Song L.X., Wang Y.L., and Zhao T.M., 2023, Progress of transcription factors regulating drought resistance in tomato, Jiangsu Agricultural Science, (9): 9-16. Fan Q.Q., Song A.P., Jiang J.F., Zhang T., Sun H.N., Wang Y.J., Chen S.M., and Chen F.D., 2016, CmWRKY1 enhances the dehydration tolerance of chrysanthemum through the regulation of ABA-associated genes, PLoS One, 11(3): e150572. PMid:26938878 PMCid:PMC4777562