
Molecular Plant Breeding 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-7 6 Genetic differentiation affects genetic variation and gene flow in cypress geographic populations. Genetic differentiation between geographic populations reduces the degree of gene flow and the exchange of genes between different geographic populations. This results in increased aggregation of genotypes within populations, while reducing the introduction of genes from other populations, resulting in a more pronounced representation of genetic traits within populations. Genetic differentiation also affects the response of cypress trees to environmental changes. Genetic differentiation of different geographic populations resulted in genotype differences, which made cypress display different ecological responses to environmental stress and climate change. This genetic difference may affect the sensitivity of cypress to environmental stress and its adaptability to different ecological environments. 5 Results and Discussion Geographic populations of cypress show significant differences in genetic differentiation, which provides important clues for us to understand the evolution, adaptation and ecological distribution of this species. By studying the genetic differentiation results of geographic populations of cypress, we can gain insight into the genetic structure and differences of cypress populations in different regions. Genetic differentiation among geographic populations is manifested by significant differences in genotype and allele frequencies of cypress trees. This genetic differentiation reflects the degree of genetic diversity among different regions and the distribution of genotypes within cypress populations, which helps to reveal the evolutionary process and species adaptability. Genetic differentiation may reflect the process by which cypress trees adapt to their respective ecological environments under long-term natural selection and environmental pressures (Bower and Hipkins, 2017). Genetic structure of cypress is influenced by gene exchange among geographic populations. The results of this study will help us understand the influence of gene flow on genetic structure of cypress geographic populations and the effect of geographic isolation on genetic differentiation, which has far-reaching significance in the field of ecology and evolution. From an ecological point of view, it can help us understand the response and adaptability of cypress populations to environmental changes, and in terms of evolution, it provides an opportunity to gain insight into the evolution of cypress species. The results of genetic differentiation of cypress geographic populations also provide implications and potential applications for future research and application, and have guiding significance for biodiversity conservation, ecosystem restoration, and genetic resource management and utilization. Understanding the genetic diversity of cypress geographic populations can also help reduce the risk of species extinction and provide a basis for ecosystem protection. In addition, the study of genetic differentiation of cypress geographic population can guide ecological restoration and adaptive breeding, and promote the reconstruction and restoration of ecosystem. The understanding of genetic diversity of different geographic populations can also be applied to environmental monitoring and ecosystem management, providing a basis for the management and protection of ecosystems, providing an important basis for the utilization and genetic improvement of cypress resources, promoting the development and progress of cypress related fields, and having far-reaching influence and guiding significance for future research in the fields of biology, ecology and resource management. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.