
Molecular Plant Breeding 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-7 2 The objective of this study is to explore the genetic differentiation of different geographic populations of cypress, in order to reveal the genetic basis of its adaptation to the environment, so as to provide scientific basis for the protection and restoration of the ecosystem. Such research is of great significance for understanding the genetic structure, genetic flow and population adaptability among cypress populations, and it also helps to guide the rational use of cypress resources and promote its sustainable development in different ecosystems. In the past, cypress genetic research has mainly focused on the analysis of specific regions or specific genetic markers. Although previous work has provided us with some insight into the genetic diversity of cypress trees, it is still lacking in comprehensiveness and depth, especially at the chloroplast genome level, and a comprehensive understanding of the genetic differentiation and adaptation of different geographic populations of cypress trees has not been fully developed. The aim of this study was to review the current situation of cypress genetic research, with special focus on the contribution of chloroplast genome to genetic differentiation of different geographic populations of Cypress. Through the comprehensive analysis of the previous research results, we hope to provide a more systematic and comprehensive understanding of genetic differentiation of cypress trees, and provide theoretical support and scientific guidance for the protection and sustainable use of cypress resources in the future. 2 Introduction of Chloroplast Genome 2.1 Role and importance of chloroplast genome As one of the important organelles in plant cells, the chloroplast genome carries abundant genetic information and plays a key role in plant growth and development, adaptation to the environment and genetic transmission. In the study of plant genetics, the role and importance of the chloroplast genome has attracted increasing attention (Cheng et al., 2018). Chloroplast genome has relatively simple structure and stable transmission mode. Its DNA sequence is relatively small, but contains key genes that encode photosynthesis and energy metabolism, such as genes related to the photosynthetic complex and electron transport chain. Because the chloroplast genome is mainly passed through the maternal pathway, it has little genetic variation, making it an ideal tool for studying plant relatability, population genetic structure, and evolutionary history. The chloroplast genome plays an important role in the physiological processes of plants. Chloroplasts are the main site of photosynthesis and contain genes involved in the energy capture and conversion process in photosynthesis. In addition, chloroplasts are also involved in regulating plant metabolic activities, synthesizing secondary metabolites such as amino acids, lipids and flavonoids, which affect plant growth and development and the ability to adapt to the environment. The genetic diversity and mutation frequency of chloroplast genome are also the focus of research. The haploid and highly conserved chloroplast genome is of great value in the study of geographical distribution, population genetic structure and adaptive evolution of species. The analysis of chloroplast DNA sequence can reveal the genetic diversity of different species, populations and even individuals, and provide important clues for biodiversity conservation, germplasm resource utilization and plant evolution mechanism. 2.2 Structure and characteristics of cypress chloroplast genome As one of the common conifers, cypress chloroplast genome has certain research value in plant genomics. The structure and characteristics of cypress chloroplast genome show its importance in plant evolution and genetic diversity. Cypress chloroplast genome presents a typical circular double-stranded DNA structure and usually contains a conserved set of genes, including genes encoding photosynthesis and respiratory chain, such as photosynthetic complex, ATP synthase and nucleic acid metabolism enzyme (Duan et al., 2020). These genes play a key role in ensuring plant growth, development and energy metabolism.