
Molecular Plant Breeding 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 27-33 30 fluorescence microscopes, providing complex pattern information of gene expression at the cellular or subcellular level (Wen et al., 2021). The application of these technologies will provide breeding with more information and tools, assisting us in better understanding and manipulating plant traits and adaptability. 3.3 Environmental adaptability and breeding strategies under climate change Breeding 5.0 will focus on developing crop varieties that adapt to continuously changing environmental and climatic conditions. With the intensification of global climate change, crops face more frequent extreme weather events and stress. Therefore, breeders will strengthen breeding strategies for environmental adaptability and climate stability. The genotype of plants responds differently to environmental changes. Studies indicate that genotype-environment (GxE) interactions significantly impact the phenotypic response of crop varieties under different environmental conditions, which is crucial for crop breeders (Teressa et al., 2021). Epigenetic changes play a critical role in helping plants adapt to environmental stress. These changes can assist plants in “remembering” past stress events, allowing them to more effectively cope with future challenges (Ashapkin et al., 2020; Miryeganeh, 2021). This “plant stress memory” is essential for enhancing crop adaptability and yield potential (Sharma et al., 2022; Kashyap et al., 2023). Quantifying the impact of climate-driving factors on crop yield and predicting optimal environmental conditions for different production scenarios through “environmental prediction” methods (based on generalized additive models and large-scale environmental covariate data) is crucial for developing crop varieties adapted to specific regional climates (Heinemann et al., 2022). Conducting multi-environment trials (METs) on crops under different environmental conditions is a crucial means of assessing crop productivity and adaptability. This approach helps identify high-yielding crop varieties that perform stably under different climatic conditions (Lee et al., 2023). In conclusion, key strategies in plant breeding for addressing the challenges of climate change include understanding and leveraging the interactions between genotype and environment, applying environmental prediction methods, utilizing epigenetic changes, and conducting multi-environment trials to enhance crop adaptability and yield stability. 4 Future Prospects and Challenges 4.1 Frontier technologies and methods in Breeding 5.0 Breeding 5.0 will witness the emergence of more cutting-edge technologies and methods, propelling breeding efforts to higher levels. New technologies such as genome editing, synthetic biology, artificial intelligence, and high-throughput phenotyping will bring about breakthroughs in breeding (Chen et al., 2022). The development of genome editing technologies will enable more precise modification of plant genomes, achieving faster and more accurate breeding goals (Juma et al., 2021). The application of synthetic biology will allow the design and construction of entirely new genomes, unlocking novel breeding possibilities (Kim et al., 2020). The application of artificial intelligence and big data will make the breeding process more efficient and intelligent, providing more accurate predictions and decision support (Wang et al., 2022). In the era of Plant Breeding 5.0, genome editing technologies, machine learning, and high-throughput phenotyping identification technologies will become crucial tools driving innovation in plant breeding. The application of these cutting-edge technologies will contribute to improving crop yield, quality, and stress resistance, achieving more efficient, precise, and faster breeding goals. 4.2 Transformation of human food security and global food systems Breeding 5.0 faces significant challenges and transformations in human food security and the global food system. With the continuous growth of the global population and increasing food demand, there is a challenge of how to enhance food production, improve food quality and diversity within limited resources. In the era of Plant Breeding