
Molecular Plant Breeding 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 8-14 9 molecular markers have the advantages of high polymorphism and high-throughput typing, enabling researchers to conduct genetic analysis and gene mapping more quickly and accurately. In addition, whole genome sequencing of rice is also one of the important breakthroughs in Breeding 3.0. Through comprehensive sequencing of the rice genome, we have revealed the composition and function of the rice genome, providing a deeper understanding for breeding work (International Rice Genome Sequencing Project, and Sasaki, 2005). 2.2 Technological transformation and Breeding 3.0 The evolution of Breeding 3.0 is driven by technological changes. Initially, assisted-marker backcrossing and pedigree confirmation were widely used in the early stages of Breeding 3.0 (Hospital and Charcosset, 1997). This technology utilizes molecular markers to assist in selecting offspring with target traits, thereby improving selection efficiency (Hospital and Charcosset, 1997). Through the application of molecular markers, researchers are able to accurately track and identify the genetic basis of important agronomic traits. For example, the use of molecular markers in breeding can expedite the selection process and enhance breeding efficiency. By analyzing molecular markers closely associated with target traits, researchers can exclude offspring without the target gene in the early selection stages, thereby reducing breeding cycles and costs (Xu and Crouch, 2008). Subsequently, the application of linkage maps became a key method for analyzing complex traits in Breeding 3.0. By constructing a linkage map, we can reveal the genetic basis of complex traits, providing important clues for breeding work (Ming et al., 2002; Paterson, 2019). In addition, the breakthrough in whole genome sequencing of rice has also driven the development of Breeding 3.0. Whole genome sequencing reveals genes related to important agronomic traits, providing valuable resources for breeding work (Yu et al., 2002). 2.3 High-throughput genotyping and Breeding 3.0 High-throughput genotyping is one of the important tools for Breeding 3.0. Through high-throughput genotyping, researchers can analyze variations in natural populations and identify genes related to agronomic traits (such as genome-wide association study). In addition, breeding values based on genome estimation (such as genome selection) have also become an important method for Breeding 3.0. By utilizing genomic information to predict the breeding value of individuals, genomic selection can accelerate the breeding process and improve selection efficiency (Resinde et al., 2012). In summary, the evolution of Breeding 3.0 is driven by technological advancements, including assisted-marker backcrossing, linkage map construction, and whole genome sequencing. The application of these technologies provides more accurate and efficient methods for breeding work, enabling us to have a deeper understanding of the genetic basis of plant traits. High-throughput genotyping and genome-based breeding value estimation methods play an important role in Breeding 3.0, further improving its efficiency and accuracy, and bringing new opportunities and challenges to breeding work. With the continuous progress and innovation of technology, Breeding 3.0 will continue to promote the development and progress of plant breeding. 3 Methodology of Breeding 3.0 3.1 Optimization of assisted-marker backcrossing and pedigree confirmation In Breeding 3.0, assisted-marker backcrossing and pedigree confirmation technologies have been further optimized and applied. The use of molecular markers to screen offspring with target traits has accelerated the breeding process through the use of assisted markers. In Breeding 3.0, we use more precise molecular markers such as SNP and SSR to improve selection efficiency and accuracy. Meanwhile, pedigree confirmation technology has also been widely applied in Breeding 3.0. Through pedigree confirmation, we can track the genetic background of the target trait and select the highest quality offspring as breeding materials.