IJA-2015v5n5 - page 12

International Journal of Aquaculture, 2015, Vol.5, No.5 1
Measurements are in %SL:
Body Depth 22.5 to 35.3;
Head length 24 to 30.6; head width 11.9 to 15; upper
snout length 9.8 to 12.8; lower snout length 11.5 to
13.8; eye diameter 8.5 to 10.5; inter-orbital width 10.3
to 13.1; post-orbital length 13.2 to 17; dorsal-to-
adipose fin 26.1 to 32.4; pre-dorsal length 49 to 69.4;
pre-ventral length 50.7 to 54.5; caudal peduncle length
10.9 to 14.5; caudal peduncle depth 10.5 to 12.6.
Measurements are in %HL:
Head width 43.6 to 56.4;
upper snout length 36.3 to 43; lower snout length 39.6
to 49; eye diameter 29.2 to 41.5; inter-orbital width
39.3 to 47.7; post-orbital length 54.2 to 61.6.
Lateral line scales 51-65; Dorsal fin rays 10; pectoral
fin 13-15; ventral fin 8-9; anal fin 12 - 13; gill rakers
13-15; teeth in upper jaw 12-14; teeth in lower jaw 10
Hydrocynus forskali
(Cuvier, 1819)
Salmo dentex
Forskal, 1775
Characinus dentex
Geoffroy, 1809
Hydrocyon forskalii
Cuvier, 1819
General body darker and elongated, 203
to 303 mm standard length, covered by cycloid scales
and each scale marked by a dark spot forming parallel
bands visible above the lateral line, and a very small
adipose. Position of dorsal fin is directly below or
slightly back the insertion of ventral fin. Eye diameter
77% of inter-orbital width. Anterior part of anal fin
and lower caudal-fin lobe bright red, the other fins
Measurements are in %SL:
Body Depth 20.2 to 29;
Head length 22.2 to 31.2; head width 10.4 to 16; upper
snout length 8.9 to 13.8; lower snout length 9.3 to 15;
eye diameter 6.8 to 11.5; inter-orbital width 9.8 to
14.7; post-orbital length 13.2 to 19.5; dorsal - to -
adipose fin 19.8 to 33.7; pre-dorsal length 43.7 to 68.6;
pre-ventral length 39.9 to 64.6; caudal peduncle length
10.8 to 18.6; caudal peduncle depth 9.8 to 15.6.
Measurements are in %HL:
Head width 43.9 to 53;
upper snout length 35.2 to 56.1; lower snout length 35.7
to 60.1; eye diameter 30.6 to 39.4; inter-orbital width
39.6 to 47; post-orbital length 54.6 to 62.3. Lateral line
scales 48 - 62; Dorsal fin rays 9 - 10; pectoral fin 12-14;
ventral fin 9; anal fin 12-14; gill rakers 13-15; teeth in
upper jaw 12-14; teeth in lower jaw 12.
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