CGE-2015v3n13 - page 5

Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2015, Vol.3, No.13, 1-6
Research Report Open Access
The Screening of Epigenetic Regulatory Elements of IGFBP2 and Impact on the
Survival of Colonal Cancer
Xiong Y.C.
, Wu S.Y.
, Liu H.B.
, Zhang D.W.
1. College of Bioinformatics Science and Technology, Harbin Medical University, Harbin, 150081, China
2. Heilongjiang Academy of Medical Sciences, Harbin, 150081, China
3. Software College, East China University of Technology, Nanchang, 330013, China
Corresponding author email
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics, 2015, Vol.3, No.13 doi: 10.5376/cge.2015.03.00013
Received: 2 Oct., 2015
Accepted: 13 Nov., 2015
Published: 16 Nov., 2015
© 2015 Xiong et al., This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:
Xiong Y., Wu S., Liu H., and Zhang D., 2015, The Screening of Epigenetic Regulatory Elements of IGFBP2 and Impact on the Survival of Colonal Cancer,
Vol.3, No.13, 1-6
IGFBP2 (insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2), is overexpressed in a wide spectrum of cancers, and plays a role
through regulating the concentration of IGF and promotes the development of neoplasm. The role of IGFBP2 in cancer is unclear,
while in general it is considered to be oncogenic. In addition, IGFBP2 is closely connected with the level and prognosis of neoplasm.
Large studies have been contributed to the relationship between IGFBP2 and cancer, but few are in the epigenetic field. In this study,
we filtered differentially methylated sites in the cis regulatory region of IGFBP2, and found 25 and 9 sites in high and low expression
groups. In the following survival analysis, we found two sites could distinguish the samples of long survival time from the short ones.
This study filtered several epigenetic elements that regulate the expression of IGFBP2. They can be considered for the drug targets
for regulating the expression of IGFBP2 and improving the therapeutic effect in cancer.
IGFBP2; survival analysis; correlation analysis; differentially methylation
Epigenetics is the study of reversible gene expression
and heritable variation that not caused by changes in
DNA sequence (Jones and Baylin, 2002; Bird, 2002;
Lee, 2012; Suva et al., 2013). The best example of
epigenetic changes is cell differentiation in eukaryotes
(Bird, 2002; Reik et al., 2001; Li, 2002; Reik, 2007).
In the process of morphogenesis, a variety of pluripotent
stem cells in embryo are derived from totipotent stem
cells, which can further differentiate into different
cells. The biological process can be finished by
activing some genes and suppressing others. The
phenomenon of epigenetics include DNA methylation,
genomic imprinting, etc (Egger et al., 2004; Jones and
Takai, 2001).
DNA methylation is one of the hottest studied
epigenetics modification in mammals, which control
gene expression and silencing in normal cells (Li et al.,
1993b; Li et al., 1993a; Bird, 2002; Jones and Taylor,
1980; Jones, 2012; Greer and Shi, 2012). It is
associated with histone modification. For the
interaction among kinds of epigenetics modification is
extremely important to the process which regulating
the function of chromatin by the change of chromatic
structure (Bird, 1980). Methyl group can bind with
CpG dinucleotide cytosine by covalent bonds, we named
the loci gathered a large number of CPG dinucleotide
as CPG island. Methyltransferase play a role in
formation and maintenance of methylation patterns
(Bird, 1986; Santos et al., 2002).
The changes of DNA methylation pattern has been
observed in cancer cells (Robertson, 2001; Esteller
and Herman, 2002; Rountree et al., 2001; Baylin et al.,
2001; Momparler and Bovenzi, 2000; Das and Singal,
2004). Current researches suggested that high or low
methylation is found in different locations, and DNA
methylation play a role in the mutation of cancer
(Ehrlich, 2002; Esteller et al., 2001; Jones, 1996).
IGFBP2 (insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 2)
is one of the family of ISGBP which binding different
kinds of IGFs. It inhibits the regulation function of
IGFs in growth and development (Fisher et al., 2005;
Heald et al., 2006). IGFBP prolong the half-life of
IGFs and inhibit or stimulate the growth function
of IGFs. They interact with IGFs through the receptor
on the surface of cell.
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