Cotton Genomics and Genetics
were weighed to determine seed cotton weight per
boll values, and ginned on a roller using laboratory
gin for lint percentage (100 x lint weight/seed cotton
weight) and 100-seed weight calculations (seed index).
The ginned lint from each plot was weighed and
divided by the number of plants within each plot to
determine lint yield per plant. Five plants were
selected randomly from each genotype to find the boll
number per plant. The Microsoft Excel computer
program was used to analyze the data. The line x
tester mating design according to Singh and
Chaudhary (1979) can provide information regarding
the usefulness of male and female inbreds as parents
for hybridization to generate segregating populations,
which is expected to give prodigious selections.
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over commercial check was calculated
as per the methods of Turner (1953) and Hayes et al.
(1955) as given below.
Per cent heterosis in F
over commercial check:
Heterosis over commercial check = (F
-CC)/CC × 100
Where, CC = Mean value of commercial check over
= Mean value of hybrid over replication
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Cotton Genomics and Genetics