Journal of Mosquito Research, 2013, Vol.3, No.8, 58-64
ISSN 1927-646X
gene and 10 ng of genomic DNA. Reactions were
performed in a (BIORAD PCR System iCycler)
thermal cycler. The PCR condition consisted of initial
denaturation step for 4 min at 94
followed by 35
cycles of 1 min at 94
, 1
min at 40
and 2 min at
A final extension step was performed at 72
for 10 min. A negative control (PCR mix without
DNA) was also prepared alongwith the other samples.
Purification of PCR-product
volume of PEG-NaCl was added into the
PCR-product. After a brief vortexing the samples were
incubated at 37
for 30~40 minutes followed by
centrifugation at 10000 rpm for 30 minutes. The pellet
was washed twice by adding 100 無 of 70% chilled
ethanol followed by centrifugation at 10 000 rpm for
minutes. Finally, the pellet was allowed to air dry
and re-suspended in 10 無 of triple distilled water.
Restriction digestion of PCR product
Single digestion
The purified PCR product of four species were
digested using 10 無 of nuclease free water, 2 無 of
X fast digest buffer, 2 無 of DNA, and 1 無 of fast
digest enzymes
II at
for 5 minutes. A volume of 15 無 of control was
also prepared with all the above components.
Followed by incubation at 65
was carried out for 5
minutes to inactivate the enzyme.
Double digestion
Double digestion was performed in a reaction volume
of 18 無 consisting 10 無 of nuclease free water, 2 無
of 10 X Fast Digest Buffer, 2 無 of DNA sample and
無 of each enzyme was added. A combination of
+ Dra
+ Taq
I was taken. Double
digestion was performed by the procedure similar to
that of single digestion.
Statistical analysis
Polymorphism in above mosquito species was
analyzed by scoring the polymorphic and
monomorphic bands. If same band of DNA is present
in all indivisuals or the sample populations under
study it is said to be monomorphism whereas in
polymorphism is defined as discontinuous variation in
a single population. The genetic distance and the
polymorphism among the population were interpreted
by using POPGENE version 1.31 software. A suitable
dendogram was generated with the help of above
Authors' Contributions
Sharma A.K.: The main author of the paper and have made
contribution to conception and design and also the analysis of
data; Tyagi V: This author is involved in the acquisition of
data by using various methods; Chandel K: Helped in the
general supervision of the research group; Mendki MJ:
Involved in drafting of Manuscript; Tikar SN: Revising the MS
critically for important intellectual contents; Sukumaran D:
Have given final approval of the version to be published.
The authors are thankful to Prof. (Dr.) M. P. Kaushik, Director,
Defence Research & Development Establishment, Gwalior,
Madhya Pradesh, India for providing all necessary facility to
conduct this research work. Sincere thanks also to the scientists
and supportive staff of Vector Management Division for their
kind cooperation for carrying out the above work.
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