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Journal of Mosquito Research, 2013, Vol.3, No.6, 45
ISSN 1927-646X
4 Conclusion
This study showed a prevalence of malaria in under
five children of 39.3% in the study group (Kuje) and
22.0% in the control group (Rubochi). Proper use of
ITNs was associated with a 93% decline in the
prevalence of malaria in the study group from 39.3%
to 2.7%. In contrast, in the control group the
prevalence rose from 22.0% to 32.0%.
ITN ownership was found to increase from 58.0% at
baseline to 100.0% in five months of the intervention
while adequate utilization demonstrated by the under
five children sleeping under the ITN every night rose
from 57.0% to 83.0% after intervention and resulted
in a 93.0% reduction in the prevalence of malaria in
children under five years.
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