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International Journal of Molecular Veterinary Research
2013, Vol.3, No.5, 13-22
Research Report Open Access
A Review on Etiopathogenesis and Medicinal Management of Ante Brachial
Deformities in Growing Dogs
Kiranjeet Singh
, Aswathy Gopinathan
1. Senior Scientist, Division of Surgery, IVRI, Izatnagar, Bareilly, UP
2. Scientist, Division of Surgery, IVRI, Izatnagar, Bareilly, UP
Corresponding author email:;
International Journal of Molecular Veterinary Research, 2013, Vol.3, No.5 doi: 10.5376/ijmvr.2013.03.0005
Received: 28 Jan., 2013
Accepted: 28 Mar., 2013
Published: 16 Apr., 2013
© 2013 Singh and Gopinathan. This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:
Singh and Gopinathan, 2013, A Review on Etiopathogenesis and Medicinal Management of Ante Brachial Deformities in Growing Dogs, International Journal
of Molecular Veterinary Research, Vol.3, No.5 13-22 (doi: 10.5376/ ijmvr.2013.03.0005)
The occurrence of antebrachial deformities in growing dogs and their correlation with different variables like, etiology,
age, sex, breed, feeding habit, general body condition of dogs etc was studied. Rickets, trauma and nutritional secondary
hyperparathyroidism were the main causes of antebrachial deformities in growing dogs. The occurrence was more in male dogs of
3-6 months of age. Large breeds like Great Dane, Doberman and German shepherd were more prone to antebrachial deformities. The
condition was recorded more in dogs fed on vegetarian diet reared by owners of lower income. In all the affected animals, low total
protein and packed cell volume levels and higher levels of creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and alkaline phosphatase was recorded.
The mild angular limb deformities in early stages of the disease were treated with TGF-β-1 and a combination of homeopathic drugs,
Calcarea phosphorica
Symphytum officinalis
. TGF-β-1, and combination
Calcarea phosphorica
Symphytum officinalis
showed positive response however,
Calcarea phosphorica
Symphytum officinalis
combination showed better response.
Etiopathogenesis; Medicinal; Ante brachial deformities; Growing dogs
The angular limb deformity of the forelimbs in dogs is
a well-documented clinical entity and is defined as an
axial deviation of limb in the frontal plane. Such
ante-brachial deformities are frequently reported in
growing dogs (Thorp, 1994). A high incidence of the
condition has been reported in fast growing large
breed dogs like Great Dane (Ramadan and Vaughan,
1978). Various workers have reported different causes
for the ante brachial deformities. The most commonly
reported cause being the premature closure of the
growth plates (Guthrie and Pead, 1992).
The closure of physis can be induced with a trauma
without fracture at the physis (O’Brien et al., 1971).
The distal ulnar physis is a common site for such
premature physeal closures. This leads to reduced
growth of the ulna predisposing to carpus valgus,
cranial bowing of radius, carpal laxity, and carpal and
elbow subluxation (Johnson et al., 1995). Angular
deformities are also seen in association with metabolic
bone diseases such as hyperptrophic osteodystrophy,
retained cartilage core and nutritional secondary
hyperparathyroidism (Riser and Shirer, 1965). Though
the exact etiopathology of bone deformities are not
clearly understood, in such conditions enlargement of
metaphyses of long bones and thinning of cortices are
Further, retention of cartilage may also cause local
disturbance in the bone growth and may produce limb
shortening and angular deformities (Burk and Ackerman,
1986). These metabolic disturbances may also lead to
variable degree of carpal laxity (Probst and Millis,
1994). Studies on the incidence of angular deformities
are limited. Available literature shows only sporadic
occurrences of such deformities. Singh et al., (2008)
reported 23.28 % incidence of angular deformities in
the growing dogs of less than one year age.
1 Etiopathogenesis
Bone is a reservoir of minerals in an animal body.
About 60%~70% of dry weight of bone is made of