Intl. J. of Mol. Ecol. and Conserv. 2012, Vol. 2, No. 6, 32-38
reasonable. A quality control measures need to be
developed to enable traders sell nut of consistent
quality which is able to attract premium prices.
Cola processing activities and trade require good
organization at all levels of trade should be in place to
reduce variability in price. The government should
therefore assist in research information with improved
hybrid and also to develop the transportation network
to the interior rural areas where the products are
purchased. It should be noted that there will be
difficulty in bringing innovation to the traders based
on the level of education but not withstanding
sustainable information should be made available in
its simplest forms coupled with much persuasion.
Regularity in tax by government should be adopted to
alleviate the trader’s fear, also appropriate storage
methods should be introduced to ensure that cola nuts
are available throughout the year and do not
deteriorate in storage. This will ensure that traders will
be able to store their crop so as to command better
prices and sustained income.
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