AMB-2016v6n1 - page 10

Animal Molecular Breeding 2016, Vol.6, No.1, 1
Figure 3A & B Case of Omphalo-Ischiopagus (Dicephalic Dithoracic Abdominopagus Tetrascelus Tetrabrachius) in Lambs,
Radiograph of conjoined twins showing two spines (black arrows), four sets of limbs (red arrows) and Barium meal in the GIT
Figure 4 A & B Gross morphology of the anasarca calf with non-pigmented skin and brachiomelia of the left fore arm A –Partially
differentiated anal opening, B- Partially differentiated gonadal ridge, C- Imperforate preputial opening, D- Attenuated scrotal sac
Figure 5A&B Radiograph of head of anasarca calf showing the generalized edema of the head
Mesencephalic acqueductal occlusion
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