IJMS-2016v6n01 - page 10

International Journal of Marine Science 2016, Vol.6, No.01, 1-8
Total Lipids
Regarding to the lipid c ontent of
C. simplex,
addition of different treatments of nitrate and
phosphate to F/2 medium decreased the total lipids of
C. simplex
as compared with the control culture,
which exhibited the highest value of 86±5μg·ml
the 8
day of culture. While, the lowest contents of
40±3 and 46.3±15 μg·ml
were observed in the
culture treated with 50 μM phosphate and 300 μM
nitrate, respectively (Tables 3 and 4). Generally,
Praveenkumar et al. (2012) reported that nitrogen is
the most critical nutrient affecting the lipid
metabolism in the algae and the accumulation of lipids
in response to nitrogen deficiency has been observed
in numerous species and strains of various microalgae.
Also, the effects of sodium nitrate as a nitrogen source
on the cell growth and lipid content had been studied
by Li et al. (2008) in the green alga,
(one of the most promising oil–rich
microalgal species). They found that the highest lipid
content was obtained at the sodium nitra te
concentration of 3 mM, whereas the lowest lipid
content was observed at 5 mM. Furthermore, Kumari
et al. (2013) concluded that decreasing in nitrate and
phosphate concentrations caused reduction in the cell
division rate of the algae, surprisingly activates the
biosynthesis of storage lipids.
Statistical Analysis
The ANOVA an a lys is of the dat a in Tab les
1-4, indicated that 5 μM phosphate was the highly
signif ic an t and mos t effec t ive c onc entr at ion
that pos it ive ly affec ts the c ell dens ity and th e
photosynthet ic p igme nts (Ch l-a, Ch l-c and
Carotenoids), total soluble protein, carbohydrates of
Chaetoceros simplex
as compared with the control
culture (F = 38.241, p < 0.01). Whereas, the value of
50 μM nitrate was the most effective value that
positively affects the above metabolic activities of the
organism (F = 1312, p < 0.07). But the statistical
analys is didn't appear any significance for the total
The grow th and bioc hemic al c ompos it ion of
Chaetoceros simplex
changed significantly than the
control F/2 medium. As a general trend, the
conc entrations of 100 μM nitrate and 5μM
phos phate s timu lat ed the a lga l c e ll dens ity,
photosyn the t ic p igme nts (Ch l-a, Ch l-c and
Carotenoids), total soluble proteins and carbohydrates
of the marine diatom
C. simplex
in the 8
day of
culture as compared with the control culture. While,
the addition of different treatments of nitrate and
phosphate to F/2 medium decreased the total lipids of
C. simplex
. Bas ed on the analys is of ANOVA;
of 5 μM phosphates and 50 μM
nitrates were the most suitable treatments in the
present study, that positively affect most of different
metabolic ac tiv it ies of
Chaetoce ros simpl ex
Chaetoceros simplex
culture could be used as
larval feed or other purposes cultured using 50 μM
nitrate and 5μM phosphate
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