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International Journal of Marine Science 2015, Vol.5, No.6, 1-7
BMUs. As also observed by (Lawrence and Watkins
2012; ogwang et al., 2009) who revealed the
weaknesses exhibited in devolution of power and
inadequate support from the other co-management
stakeholders in implementing fisheries activities to be
the reasons why some BMUs have not been effective
in executing some of their programmes.
The survey findings have major implications for
fisheries co-management in that it offers a preliminary
information on the attitude and perception of fishers
towards BMU performance in carrying out their roles
and responsibilities. By focusing on BMU alone the
study aimed at examining the activities that the BMUs
as a stakeholder in co-management arrangement is
required to undertake within their areas of jurisdiction
and to identify areas where fishers think their BMUs
have performed poorly. This is important for
improving community involvement in management of
their resources. However, more studies covering many
BMUs and all activities is required to have a holistic
performance level, which can assist in strengthening
BMU specific weakness point or areas.
I acknowledge the willingness and support provided by the
respondents during data collection. The constructive comments
given by colleagues are highly appreciated. Recognition goes
also to United Nations University-Fisheries Training
Programme (UNU-FTP) who financed the short course through
which the study was conducted.
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