International Journal of Marine Science 2016, Vol.6, No.34, 1-7
The water quality parameters measured were within the acceptable limits for tilapia growth as stated by El-Sayed
et al., 1996; Milstein and Svirsky, 1996 and Salem, 2006. The physico-chemical parameters monitored in the glass
aquaria tanks under the laboratory conditions showed that water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH values
varied among all the treatments and this is in accordance to Frank 2000 and Marjani et al., 2009 findings who
stated that DO should be above 3mg/l, pH of 6.0-9.5 and temperature (28+10C). No significant difference in water
temperature, pH and DO was observed among the treatments.
There is a paucity of information on the optimum graded level of garlic (
A. sativum
) as growth promoters for
different finfish species. Thus, the necessity for this present laboratory experiment to optimize the optimum
graded level for the growth, nutrient utilization and survival of
T. zillii
reared in a glass aquaria tanks for 28 days.
The results of this study revealed that fish group fed on GP at 3% graded level had significant (P < 0.05) higher
final weight (7.59g), mean weight gain (7.56), average daily gain (0.27mg/fish/day),survival rate (93.30%) and
better feed conversion ratio (0.69) when compared to other treatments. The study therefore recommends that
should be fed on a garlic-containing diet at 3% / kg diet to achieve significant growth rates and to reduce the
stunted growth which is the bottleneck in tilapia industries. Further research to analyze the functional mechanism
behind the physiological activity of garlic-supplemented diets in different finfish species needs to be investigated.
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