International Journal of Marine Science 2016, Vol.6, No.30, 1-8
2 Materials and Methods
The mass swarm of calanoid copepods was observed in Ashramam (8°54'13''N - 76°34'45''E) in Ashtamudi
estuary during the late monsoon season (September) of 2015. Ashtamudi estuary, the second largest aquatic
system in Kerala, is located in the Kollam District, with a water spread area of about 32 km
and 76
E) (Figure 1) . It is a palm shaped extensive water body with eight prominent arms,
adjoining the Kollam town. The major river discharging is the Kallada River, originating from the Western Ghats;
formed by the convergence of three rivers, the Kulathupuzha, the Chendurni and the Kalthuruthy. The estuary
opens to the Arabian Sea at Neendakara, southwest coast of India. Several major and minor drainage channels
loaded with waste products from municipal and industrial (mainly fish processing units) sources join the estuary at
the southern end. Coconut husk retting for the production of coir fiber is predominant at several locations in the
eastern arms of the estuary.
Fig.1 Map showing the study locations in Ashtamudi estuary