IJMS-2016v6n14 - page 13

International Journal of Marine Science, 2016, Vol.6, No.14, 1-10
4 Conclusion
All of the above can also be attributed to classification of the Faviidae. It is necessary to add, however, that the
shape of the Fungiidae can be a good generic taxonomic character, as well as circumoral or peripheral budding.
The length of fossa, especially its ratio to the coral diameter, can be used as an identification (recognition)
character for species. Perforation of septa in various degrees or its absence can be used both when distinguishing
taxa at the generic level, and when distinguishing different species within the same genus. The arrangement of
secondary stomata in one line or in concentric circles, or its absence is a generic level character. Shape and sizes
of septal denticles in accordance with sizes and shape of costal spines serve as good interspecies distinction
In conclusion it is necessary to say that both (ambiguity) of characters with many values leads to an unnatural
increase in their variability and the boundaries of taxa, and a clearly determined character very definitely limits its
variability within a taxon and allows us to find gaps between taxa.
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