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International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.59, 1-5
of Oman, and tidal rivers in the region. Therefore
there are few sources of data that could provide
additional information on either the distribution of
or its biology. Additionally, their small size
makes them less likely than the larger
G. oyena
, to appear in local fish markets
(Al-Khayat and Al-Ansi, 2007). The absence of
biological and ecological information on
G. limbatus
makes it difficult to determine whether environmental
conditions in the northwestern of the Arabian Gulf
(Iraqi waters) provide the only natural habitat capable
of supporting this species in this part of the Gulf.
The authors like to thanks Dr. Kai Borkenhagen from
Senckenberg Research Institute, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
for confirmed taxonomy of the fish. We also would like to
thank Stephen Grabe from Seminole, Florida, USA, and
Claudia Pogoreutz from the Leibniz Center of Tropical Marine
Ecology, Bremen, Germany, for reviewing the manuscript.
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