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International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.7: 74-81
limit. The indicator is the behavior of hospitality
industry player building Cottage, Stalls, and the Castle
in this forbidden coast border limit.
Furthermore, the destruction of coral reefs caused the
higher carbon dioxide levels water. This high carbon
dioxide levels water can lead to the death of marine
biota which impact on humans. Ecological function of
coral reef itself, among others, is the island refuge
from the onslaught of the storm and the habitat for
many organisms (Regional Planning Board, 2013;
WRI, 2013).
Recently, Anyer coastal tourism not applies yet the
concept of ecotourism. It indicates: (1) businesses not
involved in the process of exploiting the potential of
sustainable object coastal tourist attraction (Pujansari,
2003; and Smith et al., 2009), (2) empower businesses
yet (Lanjumin, 2004), (3) the economic contribution
to society is not significant, (4) utilization in Anyer
coastal tourism made negative impact on the
environment as well as 53 % of coral reefs have been
damaged (WRI, 2013), and (5) tourism businesses not
involved in the utilization of the potential object
coastal tourism attraction by interpretation, thus
managing the tourism professional is not impressed
(Pujansari, 2003).
The potential of Anyer coastal ecotourism attraction is
obtained by utilizing the beauty by landscaping, and
zoning (Ergin et al., 2009). Travelers and tourists can
traditionally fishing or enjoy eco lodge while enjoying
new landscape and local cultural attractions. It’s
located in Kampung Ayam. Every year there are
competitions in traditional fishing in the Sunda Strait
which can be used as potential nature coastal tourism
activity packs.
However, zoning and landscaping the coastal area in
Anyer coast at Kampung Ayam by implementing the
ecotourism concept developed new natural landscape
scenery (Ergin et al., 2009) and Anyer coastal
ecotourism destinations as well as it conserves coral
reef and seaweed along the coastline. It also develops
open new natural sea view and water recreation
opportunity spectrum provided with water resources
as coastal zone (Dandapath and Mondal, 2013).
4 Conclusions
Implementing ecotourism and competitiveness
concept in Anyer coastal tourism by zoning and
landscaping conserve spatial planning and decreased
hospitality industry pollution as well as open new sea
natural scenery develop Anyer coastal ecotourism
which following coastline border regulation and
conserve: coastal environment from utilized coastal
ecotourism activities; and coral reef and seaweed
where completed coastal ecotourism attraction with
undersea ecotourism as well the whole activities
contribute wealth to local community and contribute
economy for conserve expenditure with minimized
environment impact from utilizing coastal ecotourism.
5 Implications
Zoning and landscaping the coastal area in the Anyer
coast at Kampung Ayam by implementing the
ecotourism concept developed new natural scenery
(Ergin et al., 2009) and Anyer coastal ecotourism
destinations as well as it conserves a coral reef and
seaweed around the coastline. It also develops an open
new natural sea view and water recreation opportunity
spectrum provided with the water resources as a
coastal zone.
The author would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for
their helpful and constructive comments that greatly
contributed to improving the final version of the paper. I would
also like to thank the Editors for their generous comments and
support during the review process.
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