International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.31
fishing area (
Hipposcarus harid
) which could serve as a guide for their future
1 Material and Methods
1.1 Study area
The Hurgada city (Figure 1) lies at the northern part of
the Red Sea proper between latitudes 27°10' N- 27°33'
N and longitudes 33°70' E – 33°85' E. Hurgada is
considered as one of the productive fishing grounds
along the Egyptian coasts of Red Sea.
1.2 Collection of samples
Parrotfish samples were collected monthly from the
commercial landings of gill and trammel nets at
Hurgada fishing harbor in the city of Hurgada during
two fishing seasons 2012-2013. The nets used consist
of one layer in gill nets and three layers in trammel
nets, the first and third layers have wide holes while
the second (middle) one with narrow openings. The
net length ranged from 60 to 100 m with mesh size of
2 – ¼ ST.
1.3 Biological measurements
The samples of the two parrotfish species were
separated by sex based on the external color features
and the following measurements were taken:
Total length “TL” (to the nearest 0.1 cm) from
the anterior tip of the snout to the end of the pinched
caudal fin.
Total body weight “W” to the nearest 0.01 g.
Sex: Each subsample was dissected to be sure
about the sex; the sex determination was based on the
presence of two Nidamental glands and accessory in
females and their absence in males.
Figure 1 Egyptian Red Sea map showing the study area